Sweet Moment

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Author's pov:

So to say who screamed was taehyung. The other five alphas were shocked to hell. Yoongi! Was standing Infront of them! In their house!

Hoseok came from behind and grabbed the apple from him while he slung an arm around his shoulder and proceeded to smile.

"It's a shame you guys didn't thanked me."

The alphas lunged forward and hoseok opened his arms expecting the huge blow of hugs but....that didn't happen, sadly.

The alphas all gathered Infront of yoongi and started to ask a few questions. Yes only a few.

"You're here?!"


"Why didn't you tell us?!"

"Are u hungry?!"

"Are you here for a visit??"

And so on. And yoongi just looked at them innocently. Because for his tiny lil brain the question were too fast.

"I'm honestly so disappointed."

Hoseok pushed them away from yoongi and crossed his arms. The alphas looked at each other while talking through eyes.

"For what?" They were really great at pretending to be clueless.

Hoseok's mouth had started to turn in a triangle. "I'm really disappointed that u guys didn't appreciate my efforts. U didn't reward me."

He was an alpha and his actions were cute. To outsiders it wouldn't seem well but they were his mates. But he didn't give a fuck even if he acted like this in public with them. Behind him yoongi was getting Hella confused. Hoseok was suddenly upset and alphas were acting as if they didn't knew he was coming.

"Aww don't be upset." Namjoon stepped forward with a fond smile and took hoseok in his arms and gave a kiss on his forehead. The others also stepped forward for a group hug and the maknaes were really active in giving hoseok some kisses.

Yoongi felt left out. He would occasionally blush whenever he saw them kissing. He fidgeted in his place and continued to look at his feet trying to keep himself busy somehow. And finally Jin was the first one who acknowledged his presence again.

"Oh right yoongi!"

Now it had become their thing, as friends, that they would hug each other whenever they met. So Jin went in for a hug and each one of them had their own versions.

Jin would hug yoongi while his arms snaked around his thin waist. Namjoon's one arm would be around his waist while his other around his back in a protective way. He almost covered yoongi in himself due to their size difference. Jimin came up and casually hugged him while putting his chin on yoongi's head (A/N: he's taller than yoongi.) As for taehyung he picked yoongi up when he hugged him and when he put him down he touched yoongi's nose. This made yoongi break out in a smile. He found out that yoongi loved it when on day they visited the shop and yoongi had some dirt on his nose. He obviously didn't know and taehyung also didn't inform him and just cleaned it with his finger but yoongi just broke out in a big smile. He loved when taehyung touched his nose in that manner or when he booped his nose. So he concluded that yoongi loved it. And it became their thing that taehyung would boop or touch his nose after their hug. Last to hug was Jungkook. His manner was a bit similar to namjoon. He snaked an arm around yoongi's waist and other one around the back and pulled yoongi in through his head. This way yoongi's face was pressed against his chest and he was also almost completely covered like namjoon's, in a protective way.

And all these hugs made yoongi feel warm. He liked the way they put their arms around him in a protective and lovely way. And he was also our dumb omega thinking it was usually how friends hugged each other. Well poor boy hadn't made friends in so long that he forgot things. He was like a newborn baby so please.

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