Dance Studio

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Author's pov:

Days went by as yoongi and the alphas talked. They would also stop by the flower shop with the excuse of their dead mate who was actually Infront of them. And tried to be more friendly and known to yoongi.

And it also went on with Yibo not knowing their friendship and Zhan knowing everything that was going on with yoongi and his new 'friends'. He was still scared of his lil cousin getting hurt. Yoongi would everyday tell Zhan what he did and what happened with alphas. And the other two mates noticed how yoongi was getting more... brighter. He was also bright before but this time you could see the aura. That tiny smile always on his face and maybe Zhan knew what was the reason. Whenever Yibo would ask yoongi would just say, 'nothing.' or 'you're imagining it.' he was still scared of yibo's reaction. Zhan took it easy but Yibo won't.

Yoongi was pretty much enjoying his days. He didn't know but he just started to like seeing the alphas everyday. He would wait for them to step in the shop and so they could talk. Face to face. But just like the saying goes, nothing good lasts forever.

And that implies with Yibo finding out abt the alphas and their friendship.

It was Friday meaning weekend tomorrow!! And his both gege were surprisingly early today.

"Eh? You're early!" He took off his shoes.

"Just felt like it. Also we need to talk abt something yoongi."

Zhan took yoongi towards the living room where Yibo was on his phone.

"Hi ge!"

"Hey pup. Come sit."

Even if the mates didn't want to make him feel anxious they accidentally did.

"What is it abt?"

"So...we are. " Zhan paused purposely to make yoongi anxious because the boy literally looked like a lost kitten! He was so cute!!

"You are? You are what?! Zhan-ge tell me!!"

"Ok ok, we're going on a vacation!'

"Eek!! Really?!" Yoongi was actually happy. He knew how the mates didn't have too much time on their hands only for themselves. Either their work or taking care of him. He felt like a burden so a vacation was a chance for them to enjoy.

He did a little dance but his celebration didn't last long.

"And you're getting a babysitter."

Yibo really had to be a fun-blocker. Yoongi visibly deflated on the statement.


"You're.... getting a babysitter." Zhan was hesitant to day this because he knew of yoongi's hatred for this. Tho he never actually got the reason why but he still cared. But there wasn't another option. They still need to keep yoongi safe. Can't let history repeat itself.

"No I'm not!!" This was the first time yoongi had shouted. Probably in his whole life. But he just hated it. He wasn't a baby who needed to be looked after. He was freaking 17 years old. He needed to understand that.

"Keep your voice down!" Yibo's face darkened. He was an alpha so it was like a challenge to his authority.

"I don't want a babysitter. I'm not a small kitten."

"U have to get one. It's for your safety."

Yoongi felt his eyes getting hot with tears appearing.

"Plus the one we got is perfect. An omega too! You'll be fine."

'no. I'm not. don't understand.'

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