All Over Again

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Author's pov:

While yoongi was on his way to the flower shop, the other side was preparing for a visit to his grave. Well it's still confusing whether should they still keep on visiting his grave or not. But they still visit, and will till they have yoongi back.

"Hyung hurry up! Namjoon hyung might be waiting!" Jimin shouted for others. Namjoon was in his company, waiting for them to come, so that they could visit the grave together.

Some of them were at him and some at office. Jimin, hoseok, Jungkook were at home, taehyung had gone for a walk knowing that the others would take time while Jin had called to inform that he would be with namjoon
After his inspection of some restaurants, that he owns, he had went to namjoon's company. To maybe annoy him a bit and lecture too, because they all know how namjoon would overwork himself. He was hard to listen to them. Only yoongi could make him listen to such things, and that he knew because he allowed his heart to only listen to yoongi in such things. It was a ridiculous thing...he had started to overwork himself, hoping that that yoongi might come back looking at him like this.

"Did they got ready?" Taehyung asked while entering the living room.

"I'm ready!" Hoseok yelled while descending the stairs.

"Now where's that bunny?"

"Behind u hyung." Well Jungkook decided to hide behind jimin when his attention was somewhere else.

"Ah!! Yah!! Don't scare me like that! Now let's go." Jimin was planning to not ruin his mood as he figured out that his mood was very good today.

They sat in the car, and headed towards namjoon's company. And as expected the elder alphas were waiting.

"Why are you late?" If Jin was the one asking it would've more been a shout.

And for the answer jimin pointed towards the three alphas behind him. And in response Jin and namjoon both shook their heads.

"Now let's go. He might be waiting." Jin said while dragging everyone out. They exited the building with people biting them goodbye. They were very much respected, not just because they were alphas, but because they were also mates of the CEO.

Once seated in their car, jimin sat next to Jin and asked, "hyung I'm feeling really good today. Like something good is abt to happen."

"Is there any specific feeling in this good? Like what do u feel is abt to happen?"

"Do you think....yoongi would come back? us?"

And this made Jin silent. Jimin knew that no one had an answer to this but this is the specific thought he had in this 'good feeling'. Feeling as if something theirs were abt to return. And so on, Jin never answered to this.

"Hyung u forgot the flowers!?" Taehyung shouted at hoseok as hoseok has indeed forgotten them. It's that he also had something bothering him, just like jimin. But it wasn't like jimin's good feeling, it was more of a confusion or bother. And maybe he had heard jimin's question to get this bothering.


"Well that flower shop has passed now. Is there any shop nearby here?" Namjoon asked while opening his phone for maps. But Jungkook beat him to it by quickly saying, "oh how abt that shop we visited with yoongi?"

So yea he didn't think before saying. They had promised to not let such things, past memories bother them, but sometimes they failed at it. They also shouldn't be much affected as they now knew that yoongi had come back to life, but the thing was he hadn't come back to them.

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