He's Back!

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Yoongi's pov:

'darkness. That's all here. And it scares me. Gives me a feeling of being trapped. I frantically move my head to try to find something in this darkness but to no avail. It's more scary as I don't know anything.

I move forward but it feels like I'm not moving at all. In this pitch black space I don't feel as if I am moving. But I know I am moving my feets to carry me forward. The temperature is of course cold that it gives me chills.

"I'm scared. Zhan-ge! Yibo-ge! Where are you all?!"

I can't even hear my voice echoing back.

And in just a blink of eye I see something. The scene changes from darkness to a field. I see some figures. It seems to be glowing a white colour. Wait!

It's wolves!! Oh no...

Not that I would be scared just because they are wolves. I'm also one but the weakest of all. And looking by their size they must be alphas. God please, I'm gonna die. And I swear it feels as if I'm stuck. My body can't move. And omg, they're moving.

But wait they are moving towards my west side. I looked closely and there are six alphas. But I think there's one more too. It seems hidden. They all are moving forward. And it seems like they are having fun. Because some of them are running forward as if playing and signalling back, using their head.

Just then another wolf that was hidden comes out. It was shining a colour grey. Why? And it's smaller in size. Almost my size, so it is an omega. And judging by the scene, it is under their protection. Are they mates?

Stupid yoongi. How could there be seven mates? Idiot. They could be friends too. Why am I so into mates? Stupid. Like always anxious and restless for them.

And like that I stood still watching, as they ran forward. It feels good. And it almost feels as if I'm one of them because I could feel the chills of the wind, hitting my pale skin. I could feel the happiness. The sense of security. The need to just run and run and never stop. But which one of them am I feeling? They all look to be happy. The alphas have that vibe that says they are protecting the omega. That declares that the omega is theirs to claim. And honestly I feel...warm to it.

And I just blink that everything changed. Now instead of the flowering fields the ground changes to rocks and fire. The wolves are howling.

They are surrounded by other figures. Three alphas are growling at them, warning them to not come closer. Two of the wolves are circling a wolf. Is that....is that the grey wolf?!! His grey glow is now also shining with red. It's lying on the ground and the two alphas are nudging it with their heads. I could literally hear their low whimpers, begging the grey wolf to wake up. Wait it's only six wolves where is the other one. And just then I hear a howl. The other wolf  is mourning? I want to step forward but I suddenly feel a pang of pain.

It hits me like a truck. I fall on the ground clutching my stomach as if it would lessen the pain. Gosh! I've never felt this much pain since....four years ago.

Then my head hurts as if I crashed into a solid, hard wall. I put a hand on it. I let out a scream but it's that none of them hears. First I was feeling happiness, then emptiness and now immense pain. This pain is containing so much in it. I could feel the need to stand up. It feels as if I want to move my arms but my insides are dead. Wait .. it's starting to feel hollow inside. Like I'm going dead from the inside. So I was feeling someone's pain? And it's the...


I look up and find it still lifeless. My breathing's ragged as I sweat immensely. It might look dead but I know it's not. Because I could feel the inside struggles to wake up. The strength used to fight an invisible force that is grounding me down. This much pain could kill someone. And I want it... w-what? But It's too much!

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