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"I don't want to give today's test! Can we bunk? Please!" I whine and stomp my feet on the ground like a five year old.

"You tell that everytime and back out at the last moment " Noelle rolls her eyes and pulls me towards the school gates.

Wait! It was only one time! Okay maybe thrice!

We walk towards the gate of hell and I see the devil's workers stare at me like I am the mental one and not them who torture us for six to eight hours a day, five days a week, nine months a year and 14 years of our life!

Maybe I'm exaggerating a bit.

"No no please I'm going to flunk and fail and then I have no future and I will have to live with my brother!"

"What's up with her? Did she finally go crazy?" Mitchell asked her friends tagging behind her.

"Don't you have anything else to do? Like fix your fake eyelashes or spray some perfume?" Noelle asked placing a hand on her hip. I chuckled as her fake lashes indeed needed to be fixed.

"Nah don't worry I'm fine. Well you see we have a test to attend so bye!" I waved and pulled El along with me. Not interested in witnessing a cat fight early in the morning.

I reach my locker and see Xavier leaning against it while chatting to a girl. Well more like he is busy looking bored and scrolling through his phone while the girl is talking to him letting out high pitched giggles now and then.

Xavier was known as the hottest guy who had any girl at his feet but never seen with someone. He hadn't dated anyone nor slept with anyone. Yes he talked to girls but with pure intentions and maybe flirted here and there but nothing to serious. Girls never got the hint that he was not interested nor listened to a single word they said.

I coughed hoping to get their attention. None of them heeded my way. Not in a mood to drag the matter I spoke loudly, "If you will excuse me I need to take out my books!"

Noelle looked at me in disbelief, "I thought we were bunking!" I smiled and whispered 'next time'.

"Yes what do you want? Can't you see we are conversing?" The girl turned and crossed her arms in front of her. Wow nice vocabulary she had.

I resisted rolling my eyes as my grandmother said it might get stuck . I don't want to take any chances of getting my eyeball stuck you know.

I ignored her and nudged Xavier out of the way to my locker. Okay I shoved him because he was sturdy as a boulder.

"Lil' girl stop pushing!" He exclaimed. I took out my books and turned around to leave when I felt a tug on my wrist.

"I have something for you." Xavier said and he opened his bag and placed the Harry Potter and The Cursed Child book onto my hands. He actually gave me the book! I mean yeah about a month later but he remembered!

"Thank you thank you so much!" I squealed and repeatedly beat his arms. The girl looked shocked and ran off somewhere probably hitting on some other poor guy.

"Maybe you can thank me by doing my math homework? Or by gifting me the new iPhone or maybe—" he kept rambling but I cut him off.

"Oh you see it's late, I need to get to class and so do you." I looked at my wrist and continued "Talk to you later bye!"

I could hear his laughter followed by his yell," You aren't even wearing a watch Evy!"


The test wasn't that bad. I think I will pass. I leave the classroom and head towards the cafeteria.

The hallways are crowded and every one is busy talking. It is awkward walking alone. I smile at a few of my classmates. I ignore the group of jocks who are trying to convince me to play truth or dare with them.

I spot Noelle, Zack and Xavier at our table and groan. Noelle and Zack are together all the time. No they didn't label their relationship but it was going there. It sucked being the third wheel.

It was kind of annoying as Zack followed El everywhere like a love sick puppy. I mean I want to gossip with her about the people of our school that includes Zack, but I can't as he is stuck like some sort of an iron filing and Noelle is a magnet.

Xavier was a different case. He would talk to me at times then go to ignoring me then go back to annoying and teasing me. He was busy with football and shooting documentaries or something.

I grabbed my food and sat down. Noelle and Zack talked for a minute or two before they went to talking among themselves while moody Xavier was back. He was angrily texting someone and did t even glance my way.

Brandon was away for some wedding of his third cousin or something. He had too many cousins to be honest. He did miss a lost going on in school. He missed the football match, the fight between two jocks, the horrible practices of the Pride and Prejudice play, the news of some Sophomores getting caught making out in the janitors closet twice on the same day.

"Lyn there's a party at Seth's house this Friday. You want to go?!" I looked up from my food and raised my eyebrow at Noelle.

We did go attend parties but never went to the ones who we rarely know. It was weird why she was asking as we didn't actually know Seth well.

She seemed to understand and replied," The guys won the football match held yesterday so he is throwing a party. Everyone is invited and Zack asked me to go with him and I said yes.. And I don't want to not have you by my side you know?"

I looked at Zack narrowing my eyes at him," I hate you. You stole my date." He mocking raised his arms in surrender manner.

"Yeah I'll come as long as we don't eat there as it probably will be drugged and I get to choose where we eat. Deal?"

I watched too many high school shows to learn not to eat or drink anything from parties.

Noelle nodded her head. I looked over to Zack and he just shrugged probably not caring as long as he gets fed. I turn to Xavier but face an empty chair with him no where in sight. Where did he disappear?

I finished my pasta and noticed that Xavier had not yet returned. I threw away my tray and left the cafeteria to find him.

I found him at the school gates. Well I think it was Xavier as he is the only one who doesn't wear the school football jacket but prefers his black leather jacket.

I saw him talking to some man in a midnight blue suit. Looked like a business man of some sort. They were arguing about something as both of them moved their hands too much in an agitated manner.

The bell rang and Xavier didn't seem notice. I waited for a couple of minutes but then walked towards them.

"Xavier the bell rang. We need to go to English before ma'am sends a search party to find her main characters.." I trailed off and became silent as Xavier glared at me while the man he was talking to just stared. He looked familiar .

"Let's go." He held onto my hand and pulled me away. "You can leave." He said harshly without glancing back at the man.

I turned around and faced him. To be honest I had never seen him so angry except the time he beat up Jamie last year. Jamie was supposed to be my 'date' for a party when Noelle tried playing Cupid for me. No one knows what happened except a day before the party Jamie got beaten up and I had no date for the party.

"That is no way to talk to your father!" The man yelled causing me to halt. Xavier jerked back and said, "You are no father." With that he gripped my hand tighter and pulled me away.

I'm back! After a year I think.. Well maybe I will update soon or I will be able to update after April as unfortunately I have exams and I'm right now in senior year so..

Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter..


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