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    Beep. Beep. Beep.

    The annoying sound of the alarm keeps blasting at the highest volume. I groan and turn over pressing the pillow over my ears when suddenly the bed is no longer under me.

   The cold floor welcomes me and I land straight face first. Way to begin the day!  I get up and switch off the alarm and fall back onto the floor.

   I lie down for a while, arms and legs spread wide. My shirt has slightly ridden up and I can feel the cold floor against my stomach.

  It just felt like yesterday when junior year got over and I was looking forward for the vacations. School wasn't the worst but the people and the boring lectures were.

   You will also hate the place when you have classes beginning from eight in the morning and have to get up at five thirty or something just to get ready and look presentable.

  School was and will be bearable only because I have Noell and Brandon with me. Noell and I have been best friends since day one of first grade. We both had a weird obsession with glitter and hated barbie dolls.

  Brandon was totally another story. We became friends after he had hit Noell with a basketball in fifth grade. I almost had punched him in the face because he hit someone who only I was allowed to beat up.

  Chuckling to myself, I get off the cold tiled floor and walk into my bathroom. I strip and directly go under the hot shower. After a pleasant half hour shower, I get out and brush my teeth.

  I had already picked out a cute outfit yesterday night. First impression is the last impression!  It was a maron crop sweater which had 'QUEEN' written on top in cursive. I paired it with black skinny jeans and sneakers.

  I got dressed up as fast as possible. I sat in front of my dressing table and ran the comb through my hair until I got rid of all the knots. I decided to do a half top bun.

" Lyn! Come downstairs or else you are going to be late for school!" I heard my mom call out.
"Coming! Five minutes." I yelled back.

  Grabbing the mascara wand I first applied moisturiser onto my face and then the mascara. I put some chapstick as some how my lips always some how ended up drier than the Sahara desert. I grabbed my bag and removed my iPhone from charging.

  I rushed down the stairs as I realised it was seven fifteen and I had only a few minutes to eat. I wasn't allowed to drive to school because my parents didn't think I would be able to drive safely. I already got my liscence but was only allowed to drive around the neighbor hood.

  My parents are the mix of both the strict parents as well as the casual free parents. They were supportive and I was never really scared of them. Just had high respect for them always.

  "Hi dad!" I said grabbing the milk and pouring into my bowl with fruit loops. "Good morning!" My dad came rushing down the stairs too and took a seat beside me.

  My mom brought his breakfast and she went upstairs after sending us both a wide smile to probably make my bed.

  I had a small conversation with my dad when my iPhone rang, and it showed Noell's caller ID. I declined her call and dropped the bowl into the sink. Rushing to the door, with a water bottle in one hand and my bag in the other, I yelled, "Bye! See you guys later!"

  I ran to the porch and saw a red mini cooper waiting. Noell was adored as she was the only child in the family. Her grandparents of her mother's side were Italian and  owned a huge business. As she was their only grandchild, they gifted her the car on her seventeenth birthday.

   I flung open the door and got in. Tossing my bag into the back seat I wore my seatbelt.  She drove smoothly along the almost empty road.

  She was wearing a floral dress which ended right above her knee. Her legs were wrapped with ankle high heeled boots. She was 5'6 yet wore heels. I was only 5'3.

  "So it's our final year! Aren't you excited?" El asked, with a huge smile. "Oh my god. I'm so excited. I love everyone at school." I said in a monotone and rolled my eyes.

  I didn't exactly hate studying, it's just that I never understood why do we have to study what happened hundred years ago or what is the value of cosec the tha or whatever.

  She blabbered on about how her vacations went at Italy and how she met a hot stranger but he turned out to be her far cousin or something like that. I nodded not particularly listening to what she was saying as I was busy scrolling down Instagram. Everyone's story was filled with how excited they were for school.

  We reach the parking lot of our beloved West Horizon School. Yaayy!

  We both got out and rushed to our lockers. After basically shoving my bag in we walked to the office to get our schedules. We smiled at the lady behind the counter and said our names and got our schedules.

  Our hangout place was nothing special, it was right beside our lockers. El's locker was diagonal to mine. We either stood by my locker or hers.

  "So do we have any classes together?" I asked as we both kept our schedules out. My eyes scanned and El said, "Ahaa! Yes we have English and Calculus together!"

Something is better than nothing right?

   Suddenly I feel someone grab me and flung an arm around my neck. I look over to El and we both were smashed against someone's chest.

  "My fan girls! How are you? Did you miss this piece of perfection?"

  I pretended to look around, "I don't see any fan girls, what are you talking about?"

  The person gasped and pushed us both away. I look up and see Brandon standing there pretending to be fake crying.

  He was wearing a plain white shirt with the sleeves rolled and black jeans. "Brady you know how much we love you." I said pulling his cheeks. He frowned and swatted my hand away. "Hey I have a reputation to keep up. Don't do that."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed his schedule to check if we had any class together.

English, Art and Chemistry.

  "We have three classes together!" I raised my hand for a high five and he brought his hand front and just when it was about to hit my hand for the high five, he pulled back his hand then started fixing his hair. Jerk!

I punched his arm. It didn't make any difference as he was 5'11 and played football so probably was way in shape than I was. "I'll meet you guys at class kay bye!" He said and ran off god knows where.

  El was busy talking to Maria who seemed to have four same classes as her. I looked down to my schedule. The first class I had was Geography.

  So interesting!

  Let's hope, finger crossed that this year goes smoothly and well.

First sneak into the characters! I'm so excited for this book. It's something I've been wanting to write but never exactly knew how to start the story.

It's obvious the story is going to be cliche Coz I'm a sucker for typical cliche romcoms. So hold your horses and read ahead!

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