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      I removed the itchy gown and changed back to my jeans and top. "Yeah it's fitting. Just can you loosen the bust area?" I asked as I handed the medieval looking gown to the seamstress. She nodded her head and picked up the measuring tape from around her neck and measured around my chest.

We had all come to the auditorium to get our costumes for our English play. As we were doing the entire Pride and Prejudice, we had most characters from senior year but had other characters ranging from all standards.

She walked away and went on to help some other girl fit inside her gown.

"How do I look?"

I turned around and see Xavier wearing a pirate costume. The shirt was loose, unbuttoned and gave a good glimpse of his chest.

"Why are you wearing that? I don't think Mr Darcy is a pirate." I said fixing up his coat. He looked down at me with fondness and sent a smile.

"I was wondering maybe I'll wear this for Halloween. I mean it's rare to see hot and dashing pirates don't you think?" He winked as he faced the mirror and messed up his tousled hair, giving him a more masculine and droll worth look.

"Hahaha." I joked and crossed my arms. There was no doubt he look drop dead gorgeous. Hell, he could wear a potato sack, and yet the girl species would think he looked tasty.

He sent a wave and walked away to change out of the clothes. I couldn't find El nor Brady so decided to wait and tag along Xavi.

"Well I'm leaving now, you want to join?" Xavier asked as he handed the clothes back and walked towards me. He changed into a black shirt and blue jeans.

I shrugged and walked with him. "Don't you have practice? The match is tomorrow." I asked looking up to his side profile. Prominent jaw, roman nose, high cheekbones messed up hair. In short he was Adonis.

He nodded and said, "It starts at five. I still have two hours to kill so you entertain me now."

"I have a very good idea!" I aid and grabbed his hand and dragged him away for two hours of fun.

Two hours later, five chips packets empty and series of swearing and high fives we left the cyber cafe.

"Who knew you sucked at Fortnite?" He teased. I socked him in the shoulder and rolled my eyes. We did get around two chicken dinners so I don't know why he was complaining.

"No seriously you literally suck!" I rolled my eyes as he continued, "Who the fuck screams" he cleared his throat and tried imitating me by speaking in a high pitch voice, "Oh help me Xavi! That guy is shooting me! Oh fudge sticks he threw a grenade at me! Oh join me on this trampoline now!"

"I don't sound like that!" I yelled and smacked his arm. "This is physical assault lil' girl. I need to get you arrested." He grumbled as he rubbed his arm, the area where I hit.

We walked to the school ground where the players started to show up. "You staying here?" He asked. I nodded. Noelle was dating Zach so in a way it was mandatory for her to stay and support him as a loving girlfriend she was.

I was here for killing some time and give El company. He waved and went to the lockers while I joined El at the bleachers.

"Seriously you are doing your homework?" El groaned out as I pulled out my Math notebook. I gave her a 'Duh' look and continued solving my algebraic sums.

Our whole school was crazy about football. We had a really strong and fine team and won most of the championships for the last then years or so. There were many student at the bleachers, either to support their respective halves or to gawk and stare at the players and cheerleaders.

I finished my homework and went to see how the cheerleading practice was going on. I was a cheerleader for the last three years but gave it up as I wanted to focus on senior year. I don't miss it much though.

"Hey! How's everything going?" I asked Mona, who was one of the cheerleaders. She was a great singer too.

"Not as good as when you were here." She said giving me a smile. I hugged her and she informed me about what they were going to do. I have my inputs here and there and suggested a few things too.

Mitchell was the head cheerleader so I don't think she will anyways agree on what I say. "What are you doing here? Don't you know this area is only for cheerleaders?"

Speak of the devil!

I turned and faced Mitchell how had a sneer on a face. I raised my hand up in mocking defence and said my goodbyes to the others and left.

"Oh em gee! Isn't he so hot!?"

"I really don't get it why Xavier isn't dating anyone."

"I think it's because he likes someone?"

"I don't think it will last for long. Didn't you hear!? Nikki is going to try and seduce him!"

"I don't think Mitchell will allow that. She goes around telling the school that Xavier is off limits."

I continued to eavesdrop into the conversation. The two twins in front of me seemed to speak loudly and I don't think they minded me listening to their conversation.

I grabbed my bottle and was about to drink when someone snatched it. "Oii" I yelled and turned at the culprit. Brandon drank huge gulps and then emptied the bottle by throwing the water on his head to cool him down.

He threw the bottle at me but as his aim was horrible and my catch was bad too, it hits my face and drops down onto the floor. It was a plastic throw away bottle anyways.

"I'm not picking that up. You throw it." I said nonchalantly. He rolled his eyes and bend forward to pick it. "You coming for our game tomorrow?" He asked.

"When do I ever come?"

"You do come for the finals." He stated as a fact. I shrugged and he didn't continue the conversation. He walked  to the lockers to change.

El was busy with flirting with Zach and I messaged her that I would catch a ride with Xavier or Khalid.

I messaged Khalid but he had already left. My other option was Xavier. Brandon had to pick his sister up from the babysitter so I didn't want to bother him. And riding in a Jaguar was fun!

Xavier came my way. He smelled strongly of sweat and his cologne. He cheeks were flushed. "Need a ride?" He asked raising a brow at me. I nodded like a child and followed him.

He drove towards my house. He asked, "You attending tomorrow's game?"

"Nope, I only attend the final matches if you haven't noticed."

"It is the quarter finals tomorrow. I drive you home almost everyday it's only fair that you come to see the match."

I turned towards him with a confused look, "Why is the captain  oh great Xavier asking me to come see the match?"

"Maybe because I want you to be my personal cheerleader and cheer for me at the bleachers." He winks. Such a flirt!

I said my goodbyes and waved as his car drives away. I go upstairs to my room and pull out my iPhone and message in the group chat consisting of Noelle, Brandon and I.

Evelyn: Guys! I'll be coming for tomorrow's match and party! Pick me up kay?  🙏🏼

Noelle: Who paid you to come?  Did Xavi bribe you with food? 🤔

Brandon: I knew you loved me Lyn! I'll pick you up and El is going with her lover. 😏

Noelle: At least I have a lover, look at you loser.

Brandon: I have number of girls behind me. You have only one guy behind you.

Evelyn: Gosh stop you two! I need by beauty sleep. Brady pick me on time and DO NOT BE LATE!

Hopefully tomorrow is a good day !

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