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"Wait wait. So you actually saw her get jealous because Xavier was dancing with Mitchell?" El whispered and asked Khalid. It was two days since the party and they still seemed to not let go of the fact that I was crushing on Xavier. I slammed my pen into my calculus book and turned to face them both as soon as the teacher had turned his back to us.

"Can you guys not talk about me? Don't talk here! I don't want everyone to know!" I hissed. They both ignored me and El went on about how she walked in on us almost kissing and how cute we looked blushing together . I eavesdropped and felt a smile grace my face at the thought of Xavier and I together.

I smacked my face and rolled my eyes. Gosh I was turning into a giddy teen from a romance novel!

We had taken tons of pictures that day. My feed was still filled with posts from the party. I looked at the time and there was still ten minutes left for the lecture to get over. Our teacher left the class probably to go flirt with the librarian after giving us a few sums to solve by ourselves.

Only Noelle and Khalid knew about my crush. I had a hunch that my mom also knew something. I however didn't tell Brandon about it. He had no idea about my crush back in ninth not now. I love him as a best friend and all but he can never keep a secret.

I felt my iPhone vibrate and I took it out. It was a tag notification from Instagram. I opened up the app and saw a couple of posts. There was a funny video of Brandon and I doing the floss, whip and nae nae which he messed up.

There was another post of me laughing with my eyes closed, mouth open. The background was faded with effects and beautiful touches of lighting and saturation. The caption read, 'Isn't she lovely. Isn't she wonderful. #1'

It was posted on Xavier's account a few minutes ago and already reached over a hundred likes. I went onto his account and found he had taken a couple of candid photos.

The first was of mine, second was of Zach and El dancing, third one was of Brady in the pool and the last one was a group photo including Khalid, me, Xavier, Brandon, Noelle and Zach. We all were giving a toothy smile with arms around each other. He had edited the pictures making them look very professional.

The bell rang and we walked to the cafeteria. I grabbed a chicken wrap along with fries. Only Noelle was sitting beside me and Khalid went to join his own group of friends. He was in the nerdy and technology geeks group.

"I saw Xavier's new post." El said taking a bite of her pizza slice.

"So? I saw it too!"

"I mean why would he take a picture of you and tell the entire world that he thinks you are beautiful and also he did try to ki—" I throw a balled tissue at her which hits her in the nose and she shuts up.

The triple T wasn't joining us at our table today. They waved at us and went to join their friends at the popular table. I mean it wasn't a big deal considering the fact that the table was at the centre not far from ours.

"You didn't like my new post!" Brady said. He had dragged the chair so he was a few inches away from his table. The back of his chair touched mine as he leaned back.

"You are going to fall and I'm not going to pick you up." I stated as a fact. He rolled his eyes and kept the chair back down. He grabbed my iPhone and liked his own posts even commented a tons of hearts and kiddy emojis. Noelle's and my account were private while probably every other student had their account on public.

The post Xavier had posted had tons of comments some mean, some sweet. I laughed at a few as they had no idea who I was even though we went to the same school. There were a few freshmen commenting on all his pictures. Huh he had tons of fan girls from all grades!

"Let's see if there is any juicy secret we can find!" Zach grabbed the iPhone from my hand. I fortunately just in time locked it and smugly handed it to him and took a bite of my food. He frowned trying to guess my passcode but failed at each attempt.

Xavier grabbed it from his hand and somehow unlocked it. He probably saw me put in the passcode or was a genius.

"I swear I'll cut you fingers if you post anything embarrassing!" I threatened. I crossed my fingers and hoped that he didn't come across the group message of Khalid, Noelle and I named 'Mission Mr. Gummy'

He opened up the camera and started taking videos and photos of him and the people around. I continued eating my food not bothering to get back my phone as I know I would get it only when they felt like returning it. I was done with my wrap and was about to eat the last fries when it was slammed away from my hand.

"What do you think you are doing?" El stood up. She opened her mouth to yell but I sent a stern look and pulled down to sit.

The entire cafeteria went silent and I faced a raging Nikki. Placing the chair to face her I sighed, "Can I help you?" She stomped on her heeled foot and seethed, "You stay away! I don't know who you think you are posting pictures with all the boys and think you are great!"

I blinked a couple of times and replied, "I thought you knew but never mind. I'm Evelyn. I didn't post those pictures willingly because my phone is mostly hijacked by my friends who post the stuff."

Xavier and Brandon look like they were about to interrupt but I send them a glare. This was my conversation and I didn't need saving.

"You took Khalid away okay I was fine with it—"

"Umm she didn't take me anywhere I'm right here!" Khalid said raising his hand up. The other chuckled but Nikki ignored and rambled on "But now you try to take Xavier away too? Like what is your problem! It was my party and he didn't even talk to me as he was busy giving you company."

"I'm sorry! But see if he wanted to talk to you, he would. It isn't like I'm some sort of master and he only listens to what I say!" I said rolling my eyes. I see Xavier looking at me with amusement and pride? Brandon jumps in though, "Hey back off! You don't get to blame Lyn."

"You stay out of this! She took you away from Mitchell don't you see!"

I looked at Nikki curiously. Now this is something new. Brady however froze and glared at her, "What did she tell you?"

"I don't lie. I just told what you told me that day in sophomore year." Mitchell said crossing her arms on her chest and faced Brady. I continued eating the fries which didn't fall off the table.

The bell rang thankfully and everyone went back to eating heir food or rushing out of the cafeteria. Brady was missing and so was Mitchell. Nikki however looked like she wanted to chop me.

"Nikki I think it is best if you grab yourself some food and leave." Xavier said passing on a tray to her. She placed it on the table and mumbled something about carbs and unhygienic and gave a innocent look to Xavier and said, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say all those but I was disappointed that the party was thrown in your honour and you weren't paying attention."

Xavier looked angry and he crossed his arm, "Don't apologise to me. Say sorry to Evelyn."

She looked at him jaw open and turned to me. I stood up and before I could say anything El said, "We haven't got all day. Either apologise or get out of the way."

She muttered a 'sorry' and scurried out of the cafeteria. It was quite and the only thing heard was the slurping of a drink. Zach finished his drink and pointed at Noelle and I, "Remind me to never mess with you two!"

We both gave each other a high five and walked out of the cafeteria laughing.

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