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        Noelle shakes her head, "It  isn't what it looks like!" Zach throws her a weird look before getting up and stretching, "It is exactly what it looks like." He drawled with a wolffish grin.

I narrow my eyes at El, "I thought I was your best friend, that no matter what you would tell me everything!"

"I'm sorry! I wan.. I.. uh.. I was just waiting to tell you know.." El stammered.

"Oh this is looking fun! Man I want some popcorn." Zach whispered from behind. I sent him a deathly glare and motioned him to leave with my hand. He was going to insist but scurried away as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"So tell me everything now! Is this the first time you kissed? Are you guys official? Can I name your children!" I squealed.

"What?! No I'm not getting pregnant now! And no we may have kissed before. I think we are official considering the fact that he informed me that I can tell people that he is my boyfriend." El shyly smiled.

"You guys kissed before and I didn't know?!" I yelled.

Noelle grabbed my wrist and we both sat on the stairs. She told how they accidentally kissed when Zach had gone to drop her home after the party. He had leaned in to close the door while she walked forward and they awkwardly kissed. Then they pretty much made out and she didn't go into the details as she saw my gagging.

The next day, Zach sent a paper airplane during their chemistry class and he wrote that she could tell everyone that Zach was her boyfriend.

The bell rang and we headed to our respective classes.

"Okay class! Isn't it a beautiful day?" Our beloved English teacher asked with a Colgate smile.

Everyone muttered under their breath.

She blabbered some thing about tenses and questioned a few students.

I opened the last page of my book and drew four line and formed the tic tac toe box. I placed an 'X' in the middle and nodded whilst sliding the book to my partner.

He raised his brow and I tapped the back of my pen against the box and he seemed to get the hint. Xavier passed on the book back to me.

He had placed an 'O' at the bottom corner. After a few more games, annoyed slams on the table from Xavier and groans from the class as our teacher went on about tenses.

"I'm sure you used some sort of witchcraft of something to win." Xavi huffed as he slung his bag on his shoulders.

"Just accept defeat! I the queen of.. the world of tic tac toe? Yeah that sounds cool enough. Anyways I defeated you! Muahaha!" I teased and threw my arms in the air. He rolled his eyes.

"Anyways loser, can you drop me home? I don't want to take the bus." I asked pulling up the most innocent face I could. I tried to do the whole fluttering eye thing.

"Is something stuck in your eyes?" He asked curiously.

"What?! No!"

He looks down at me for a few seconds before smiling and raised an eyebrow, " Do I look like a chauffeur to you?"

"Umm.." I pretended to think rubbing my chin. I grabbed his collar and straightened it. Patting down into his head, I tried to make his hair look more Ken like. It was hard doing so, as he was almost a feet taller than I was.

Mostly doing anything was awkward due to the height difference. I didn't wear heels often, only wore them when there was an occasion. My head just reached his shoulder.

"Yes now you look like you could be my chauffeur." I winked at him. He socked me playfully in the shoulder and motioned me to walk ahead.


We turn and see Mitchell walking towards us. She shot me an annoyed look before turning to Xavier and flashing her trademark smile which had most of the boys of our school swooning at her feet.

"Hey. You needed something?" Xavier bluntly asked. I coughed trying to stop myself from laughing.

"Yeah. I mean..I was wondering if you wanted to go together to the party on Saturday..?" She asked. Looking at the confused glance she continued, "You know the one on twenty second at Nikki's house?"

"Isn't there a match that day?" I curiously piped in. She ignored and continued to stare at Xavier. He looked down at me and back at her, "I'm sorry but there is a game that day."

"The party is after the game. You have to come! I mean it is in honour for the football team anyways." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ears.

"I don't know.. I'm sorry but I can't confirm anything now." Xavier said with a smile and rubbed the back of his neck.

Mitchell nodded, "It's no problem! Just let me know kay?" Xavier grabbed my hand and we walked towards the parking lot.

Mitchell could literally flip like a switch. It was frustrating that she was kind and nice to everyone but me! We mostly fought as friends as we were clear opposites but yet it was an okay bond.

Xavier got into a Jaguar. "Holy cheese! Who did you steal this car from? Are you a billionaire or something?" I asked gaping at the interior of the car.

"It's mine lil' girl. I thought you knew who my so called father is?" He said bitterly.

"I don't! Everyone keeps talking about you being rich and all but why?" I snap the seat belt and slightly turn to face him. His jaw is clenched and he seems angry.

"Wow you really like me so much! You listen to what people say about me." He smirked.

"I am hungry. Let's go eat somewhere." I said turning on the radio, completely ignoring his words.

"Moving fast now are we? Already asking me out on a date?" He turned to face me as the signs turned red. Winking he pulled down the visor, rubbed the mirror with the pad of his thumb and fixed his hair.

"You wish! I don't go out with guys like you!" I crossed my arms.

"What do you mean guys like me? And you have never gone out on a date with anyone I know that."

"Stalker much!?" I whispered and pulled out of iPhone from my bag.

There was a comfortable silence with him tapping his fingers to the tune playing on the radio, and humming or singing along the lyrics occasionally. I couldn't help but stare and think about how so much changed this year.

I couldn't stand his presence and now I enjoy his presence the most. He couldn't stop bothering me by being mean and now he still bothers me, but in a nice way?

I googled his father's name discreetly and was shocked on reading he Wikipedia page. Maxwell Ambrosia was Greek business man who was the CEO of the Aros Company and was a freaking millionaire.

We stopped in front of 'Fantabulous Fries'. They had the best sort of fries with a variety of options to choose from for toppings. I looked at the boy sitting beside him.

"Well you did say you were hungry, didn't you?" Xavier shrugged and shot me one of his knee weakening smiles and hopped out.

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