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{16; Jungle Pool SOS!}

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{16; Jungle Pool SOS!}

'What...? Where are we? We're in Japan, right? Japan's not really known for its tropical locales though.' Y/n thought, standing next to her sister. Her brown eyes distinguished different tropical plants and trees as they stood under the bright, blue sky.

"Behold, Y/n and Haruhi." Tamaki materialized in between the two sisters, placing his hands on either of their shoulders. His torso was exposed as he was wearing a red swimming trunk. "Bask in the beauty of tropical birds! Aren't they breathtaking? I wonder what they're called." He pointed out two birds that were on a palm tree; one was red and the other was blue.

"Um, where was the exit, again?" Haruhi requested, undoubtedly wanting to leave the tropical resort.

Currently, the Host Club were at this equatorial harbor that had pools and things that included fun water activities. They weren't in their usual setting back at Ouran for they were not even on the premises of the school.

Appearing out of nowhere was an umbrella with a sunbathing chair and a small, white, circular table. Tamaki was leaning back on the bench, holding a tropical drink in his hand. "Try to make the most of this downtime and just relax. We're so worried about keeping our good looks day and night. We deserve a little vacation."

"Personally, I think this is pointless and a waste of time, so can we go home now? We should really be studying and we've got a ton of laundry to do today." Haruhi protested, giving off reasons why she didn't want to be there.

"I would agree with you Haruhi, but maybe we should take this chance to relax. A little break won't hurt us." Y/n smiled softly at her sister, stationing her hand on Haruhi's upper back.

Their blond haired upperclassman smiled widely, picking his head up to look at the two girls. "Aw! See, Haruhi! How come Y/n's understanding it and you're not?"

Haruhi sighed, changing the subject. "Hey Senpai, where are we, anyway?"


It was three:thirty-eight in the afternoon. The blue sky was beautiful and calm. It seemed to be a peaceful day at Ouran, and the two Fujioka sisters weren't complaining. But would the peaceful day keep going or will it be interrupted? Anything is unpredictable when you're in the Ouran high school Host Club.

Y/n and Haruhi were just walking outside the school when they were suddenly grabbed by four familiar members of the Host Club. Hikaru and Kaoru grabbed ahold of Haruhi while Honey and Mori seized Y/n.

"Targets-" The twins began with a small smirk.

"-captured!" Honey finished off excitedly, his regular, childish grin on his lips while he held one of Y/n's arms and Mori clutched the other one.

y/n fujioka ||haruhi fujioka's sister||Where stories live. Discover now