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{59; A Picnic with The Host Club!}

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{59; A Picnic with The Host Club!}

Y/n and Haruhi were strolling to a nearby park that was a few minutes away from the apartment building they reside in. The ambience was serene as the sky remained it's accustomed shade of blue, the climate possessing a small breeze, making it an ideal day for a picnic. However, it wasn't the sisters' proposal of organizing an outdoor meal.

The blond haired male, who first formulated the Host Club, planned on arranging a picnic at a local park, and has requested his club-mate's company.

Haruhi's left hand was grasping onto a plastic bag that had two bento-like containers, which contained little sandwiches that she and Y/n prepared beforehand.

After some time, Y/n and Haruhi arrived at the park, walking along the concrete path that was provided. There was a tolerable amount of trees and bushes, the freshly cut grass making it perfect to wander across. The prevailing individuals who were present at the public park were either walking adjacent to the path or children frolicking with their friends or their guardians.

As the two sisters scanned the area for the definite group of six distinguished young men, a familiar voice called for their attention from a distance, making the pair of siblings turn their gaze to where they heard the shout.

"Y/n, Haruhi! Over here!" Hikaru hollered out, waving his arms above his head as if to usher them to him, the other members standing either beside him or behind him.

The two brown haired females strode towards the group of boys, noticing a red and white plaided picnic blanket on the grass that now had the male teenagers positioned on it. The closer the Fujioka siblings got to that section of the park, the more discernible the luxurious snacks on the blanket were, unmistakably putting their sandwiches to shame.

"Hello, Haruhi and Y/n." Tamaki greeted with a beaming grin once the two said girl's made it to the layout. "Welcome to the Host Club's outdoor picnic!"

"Hey, guys." Y/n acknowledged, her brown eyes observing the morsel of food. 'Looks like we didn't need to bring anything...' She presumed.

"Uh, yeah. Hi." Haruhi returned, subtle drops of sweat accumulating on her left cheek as she stared at the edibles on the picnic blanket.

"Aren't you two going to sit down? There is plenty of room." Tamaki guaranteed, gesturing his hands to the sizable blanket.

Before the two sisters could reply with actions, Honey chimed in with a pleasing smile. "Y/n-Chan, Haru-Chan, wanna sit next to me?"

Y/n glanced at her sister and shrugged, directing her attention back to the golden-blond haired boy. "Sure."

Y/n and Haruhi advanced towards their bubbly upperclassman and sat down on either side of him, the short haired female settled the plastic bag that contained the sandwiches beside her.

y/n fujioka ||haruhi fujioka's sister||Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora