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{70; This is Our Ouran Fair!}

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{70; This is Our Ouran Fair!}

It was the next morning as Y/n and Haruhi finalized their typical preparations for school, already being dressed in their school uniform.

Haruhi kneeled down near the wooden coffee table that was situated in their shared bedroom, placing her notebooks and educational books in her school bag. Temporarily, Y/n sat on the side of her bed as the only view she had was of her sister's back until she glanced to the left side of her, directing her gaze to the polaroid board that was hung on the wall on the top of her bed. The board displayed various pictures of her, Haruhi, and the six male Host Club members, including the photograph of the wavy haired female with Kyoya at the aquarium on their date.

Y/n remembered when the collage board only had two polaroid pictures attached to it--the first one being a photo of when the two sisters were four years old with their two parents. The brown haired siblings were smiling brightly at the camera, Haruhi being held by their gleeful mother while Y/n was positioned on their father's shoulders. As the wavy haired teenager reminisced the memory, she could faintly hear the giggles that her and her sister were releasing on the day that picture was taken from the back of her mind. The other photo exhibited the Fujioka sisters standing in front of their middle school building with their friend Arai, the polaroid picture being taken on the day of their middle school graduation.

But she now had many pictures to admire and cherish. She will always adore the image of their family photo back when her mother was existent in this world as well as the picture of her and Kyoya together in the marine exhibit. Nevertheless, she treasured two other portraits--one of them being when Haruhi and Y/n were on the ferris wheel back when they visited the amusement park with the Host Club. The picture showed the two sisters smiling, behind them was the scenery of being at the top of the ride with the sun setting.

And the other picture portrayed all the members of the Host Club, that was also taken at the theme park. Standing on the far left side was Mori with a faint smile on his lips while Honey was positioned on his shoulders, the golden-blond haired male holding a white cone of pink cotton candy in one hand while his free hand was raised in the air happily, showing a bright, closed eyed grin on his face. Next to the two third years was Tamaki, a light blush on his cheeks with a wide smile on his lips as his hands were wrapped around Y/n and Haruhi's shoulders, who stood in front of the blond haired boy. Haruhi displayed a small, kindhearted smile while Y/n established a grin on her lips, holding up one of her hands to show a peace sign. Situated beside Tamaki was Kyoya, who was glancing in the direction of where the camera was, smirking slightly with his arms crossed over his chest. And finally, Hikaru stood beside Haruhi while Kaoru settled himself next to Y/n, both of the auburn haired males held wide grins on their faces as they showed peace signs with their fingers.

Y/n's lips curved up into a small smile at the nostalgic pictures--each of them showing a jovial time in her and Haruhi's life--but her reminiscing smile soon faltered once reminding herself what today is.

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