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{63; Kyoya Ootori Becomes Ill!}

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{63; Kyoya Ootori Becomes Ill!}

"Huh? Kyoya's sick?" Tamaki repeated with a raised eyebrow, his violet eyes holding a look of moderate disbelief.

Currently, the Host Club members, with the reduction of Kyoya, stood in front of the Ootori family's mansion. The front door of the manor was remaining open by one of the many maids the Ootori family has employed.

The middle aged woman nodded her head respectfully. "Yes, Master Tamaki. Unfortunately, Master Kyoya has symptoms of a common cold. It seems like he was working too hard and wasn't taking enough care of himself."

The seven teenagers held an expression of shock--even Y/n and Haruhi were a bit surprised to hear that Kyoya has fallen victim to a fever. His family organizes multiple hospitals and medical clinics around Japan; possibly in other countries as well--but Kyoya is only human.

The Host Club was making an appearance to the Ootori manor so they could collect Kyoya and visit the supermarket once more, but their plans quickly evaporated once they received the information from the maid.

"Is Kyo-Chan going to be okay?" Honey inquired with concern laced in his tone, tightening his grasp on his stuffed bunny Usa-Chan.

"Fortunately, Master Kyoya will recover in a couple of days if he continues to take his medication." The maid assured.

"Can we see him, please?" Tamaki requested with slight panic evident in his tone.

Instead of waiting for the maid's response, Tamaki and the rest of the hosts dashed through the entrance and up the stairs, the Hitachiin twins hauling the Fujioka siblings after them.

'Geez, we can walk, you know.' The two sisters thought as they continued to be dragged towards Kyoya's bedroom by the auburn haired twins.

Once they stopped in front of a pair of white doors, Tamaki swiftly thrusted his foot against the doors, making them slam open and reveal the first level of the raven haired males bedroom--which consisted of two white couches on top of a aegean-blue rug, a flatscreen television propped on a white surface as well as a small, circular, white coffee table in front of the two couches.

"Kyoya! Don't worry, we're here!" Tamaki announced, running towards the stairs that led to where Kyoya was currently resting. "Everything is going to be all right!"

The seven members of the Host Club instantly caught sight of Kyoya laying on a king sized mattress, underneath the light grey bedcovers, the bed being positioned beside the glass railing. On the right side of him was a white nightstand that exhibited a lamp and his glasses. The only view they had of the raven haired male was the back of his head.

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