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*Dark Obito! --> Tobi/Obito runs into Kakashi when trying to find Naruto and extract the Nine-Tailed Fox, he decided to come back another day for Naruto takes Kakashi instead....*

*TW: torture-ish/gore —In my opinion it's not bad but maybe it's too much for some ppl idk.*


"Wake up Kakashi..." Kakashi heard a voice he didn't recognize. His head ached, and his body was sore it felt like he was beat up but it wasn't too bad. But how did he get here? Where was 'here' anyway?

Kakashi then remembered chasing after someone earlier...a masked man. He was wearing an orange mask and when Kakashi tried to land a hit on him he went through the man instead. Unable to find a way to counter this strange jutsu, Kakashi tried to send a shadow clone to find help but then he was remembered being enveloped by a sort of darkness maybe he was knocked out? Or a genjutsu? He had to guess the masked man must have knocked him out and took him somewhere. But why? Why not kill him? Maybe the man needed to gather information? That was something he could handle.

Kakashi was awake, but his eyes remained closed. He realized his hands were tied behind his back and legs were tied. It would be easy enough to get out of these restraints but what would meet him when he escaped? Was it wise to escape right now when he didn't know where he was? Who was the one who took him? When he opened his eyes, he was met with a face that looked strangely familiar. But how? He's never seen this man before. Right? This man who had half of his face scarred and---

"Holy shit. Obito is that you...?" Kakashi couldn't stop his mouth from opening to speak. It took him a second to recognize this man in front of him. But once his mind latched onto the face he was certain. He looked like Obito but a bit older and now and the right side of his face was scarred. What Kakashi could say would be the rock that fell on him that day. No way that could be Obito right? Obito died. Kakashi saw him get crushed. He died!

But if this man wasn't Obito, he definitely had Obito's sharingan. Kakashi's eye almost felt like it was gravitating towards this man. He had to be Obito. There was no way he wasn't. But how was he alive?

"I'm surprised you recognized me Kakashi." So this definitely was Obito. But it didn't sound like him. The happiness Kakashi come to expect from the old Obito was completely gone. He was someone else now. Still Obito, but the look in his eyes changed. Kakashi became a bit sad at the thought that his old friend was alive this whole time and he didn't know.

"Obito...What happened to you? Why did you tie me up? What's going on?" Being able to say Obito's name aloud sounded strange it lingered in the air for longer than a moment. It wasn't something he had expected to be able to do again--ever. Kakashi was a shinobi, but he let his guard down in the presence of his old friend. His old teammate. It didn't occur to him at the moment that maybe Obito wasn't a friend exactly. Even though Kakashi was tied up he didn't feel threatened. If he had seen  anyone else he probably would have attempted to escape already. But this was Obito. Obito was his friend. Or so he thought...So that's why when Obito grabbed his hair roughly he was shocked at the amount of force he pulled his head with.

"Kakashi. You ask a lot of questions. Don't you know who is in charge here? I'm asking the questions." Obito's voice was dark and threatening. The closest he could get to a similar experience would be when he was under Danzo's command as a spy for the third Hokage. Danzo who treated his subordinates as mere tools and didn't bat an eye at reprimanding his tools for their insolence.

Kakashi did not like this. Who was he? It has been over 10 years since Obito died. Kakashi became an ANBU and he was used to interrogation, he resistant to torture. But at the hands of Obito? That was something hours in ROOT couldn't have prepared him for. Obito was his old friend, old teammate. The words Obito said to him on his supposed last day alive etched into his head ever since. "Those who abandon their friends are worse than scum..." but where was the boy who said those words to him?

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