One Win

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*Minato tells Kakashi to help train Obito. Kakashi and Obito fight a lot.*


"Kakashi, I want you to help Obito. You're sparring with him, but he is frustrated because you win easily. I want you to help him train." Minato says one day pulling Kakashi away from Rin and Obito. He knows how Kakashi will react so he tries to put it nicely and maybe Kakashi will have sympathy for Obito.

"That shouldn't be my problem." Kakashi says, he definitely doesn't want to spend any more time with Obito than he has to. In his mind, Obito was a lazy genin who thought he could get by just because he was an Uchiha. Belonging to a prestigious clan wasn't everything. He had potential on his own but wasn't improving because he didn't try hard enough. Kakashi was already above his rank and was getting increasingly annoyed with these stupid cat rescue missions reserved for genin. What would he even need to train him for? It's not like they did anything intensive.

"Don't say that it isn't your problem and you need to work together as a team. This is an order, you'll help him train for the week." Minato's tone left no room for argument. He was always nice to everyone but could be mean if he needed to. Kakashi would rather not see that side of him today or ever if he could help it.

"Yes, Minato-sensei." Kakashi sighed agreed although he was annoyed. He'd have to help Obito from falling behind even though it's Obitos own fault he wasn't doing great.


"No you need to anticipate your opponents movements before you strike, you can't just jump into things without thinking. Maybe we need to go slower to get it into that thick skull of yours." Kakashi always said insults belittling Obito's skill. Obito tried to deal with it because Minato did say Kakashi might be harsh but he was skilled and Obito could learn something.

"Oh shut up Bakashi! I get it." Obito was getting frustrated because Kakashi made him feel like an idiot for not getting it. They had been sparring for 2 hours today and Obito had not won once. "Maybe we should take a break."

"You don't get breaks in the battlefield." Kakashi added harshly and Obito shot him a glare.

"Lucky we aren't in the battlefield then. We are in the training grounds." Obito remarks which makes Kakashi blow up and say exactly what was on his mind about his teammate. What he has been holding back from telling him for days.

"You treat everything like a joke you know! You're late all the time, you make your dumb excuses. You are falling behind because you think that just because you're an Uchiha that you'll awaken your sharingan and suddenly be better than me. Well guess what Obito, I actually work hard and train every day of my life. There is no room for breaks or mistakes. You need to prioritize improving your skills otherwise the mission fails and where will you be then?" Kakashi went on a rant not giving Obito a chance to respond. Obito wouldn't even know what to say. Kakashi sounded way more hurt than Obito ever expected and wondered if this was about him or something else. But that thought faded, Kakashi's been acting angry at him this whole time. Then Kakashi started to walked away, Obito didn't even bother trying to stop him.

"Trainings over for today clearly we've both had enough." He said not turning to look at Obito and he was gone in a flash.

Obito was left speechless. Is that what Kakashi thought of him? That he was lazy? Obito was trying his best, Kakashi was just a genius really. Things came to him much easier than they did to Obito. He was a natural. Obito tried and he didn't even come close.

Kakashi had no right to say that! He made it sound like Obito was just sitting on his ass all day which was not the case. Obito trained, probably not as hard as Kakashi but Kakashi took his missions way too seriously, even if it was simple. He was so stuck up what was his problem!?

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