Chapter 25 - Clean Break

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The welcoming back feast went about as horribly as Rowan could have ever imagined. It all started when they first arrived. 

Severus took his seat upon the staff table, and when Rowan went to sit beside him she was pushed from her seat. Much to both of their surprise, Gilderoy Lockhart sat in between them. "Hello, Miss Knight," He said cockily smiling at her. Rowan quickly turned to the headmaster, who smiled apologetically. "He has special permission to be here given to him by the ministry," Dumbledore explained grimly. Dumbledore was a man that could create wonders, but the control the ministry had over him was immense. 

"I talked to your mother and she thinks that I would be a great marriage candidate for you," Lockhart said, causing Severus to choke on his cauldron cake. "My mother? She would never speak to you," Rowan seethed, not really wanting to speak about her family. If there was one thing she knew about her mother, it's that the only man she ever tolerated was Rowan's father.

"Evanora Knight; that's your mother right?" Lockhart asked. Hearing her mother's first name made her heart drop to the bottom of her stomach. Rowan wanted to be done with her mother, and yet somehow, they always crossed paths. "How unfortunate you had to meet her, Gilderoy. However, I am a grown woman and I don't need her input," Rowan snapped, only causing Lockhart to smile more. 

"You'll say yes when you see what I have an engagement gift," Lockhart said, pulling a piece of paper out of his long coat. Before Rowan could get it, Severus snatched it out of his hands. His eyes went wide as he locked eyes with Lockhart. "She'll never accept it," Severus sneered, handing the paper to Rowan. 

When she opened the paper, she found a job application inside. Written on the bottom in her mother's handwriting, it read, I can get you this job if you so choose to take it. The more she read, the more anger boiled within her. "A potions teacher at Ilvermorny? Are you daft, Gilderoy?" Rowan exclaimed, shoving the application into her own robe pocket. "You have to go back anyway. Might as well take it and stay there with me," He said with a hopeful smile. 

"I have to what? What is this man talking about?" Rowan exclaimed, staring directly at Dumbeldore. When he didn't respond, Rowan only got angrier. "Someone better tell me before I hex this man," Rowan said as she pulled out her wand and jabbing Lockhart in the side with it. 

"Okay, okay! No need for excessive force," Dumbeldore said slowly, placing down a tea he had been drinking on the table. "I need you and Severus to retrieve a package from Ilvermorny from me, and they may have mentioned that they wanted to offer you a job. Though, there is another person that is up for the position," 

"Then tell them to take it! Who is it, anyway?" Rowan asked as she put down her food and slide her plate away. She had lost just about all of her appetite. "That is the problem, Miss Knight. He won't take the opportunity unless he meets with you first," Dumbledore spoke softly, trying to calm Rowan down. "Who?" Rowan replied simply, having a feeling she already knew. 

"Theodore Edwards. You leave first thing tomorrow and Professor Lockhart will take your class over until you are back," Dumbledore said smoothly and Rowan's heart sank. She slammed her hands down on the table and quickly sped off down the great hall. On her way to the exit, she slammed right into an unsuspecting Gryffindor. Rowan, in a blind rage, yelled, "Five points from Gryffindor!" When she saw the young Gryffindor's face fall in sadness, she quickly whipped around. "Fine, that was mean. Ten points to Gryffindor," She said quickly, rushing out of the great hall, Severus not far behind her.

They ran out to the courtyard together, where Rowan felt her anger boil up as she slammed her first against the concrete walls. "Fuck!" She exclaimed, falling to the ground as she cradled her wrist. "Rowan! What is the matter?" Severus said, falling to his knees and taking the now crying Rowan into his arms. 

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