Chapter 21 - Malfoy Manor

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The Malfoy's home, or rather a mansion, was much larger than the Zabini Manor. Where Aida's home had a large garden with colorful flowers out front, The Malfoy's yard was bare. They had a large courtyard for what seemed to be quidditch lessons; A large quidditch pitch towered over the actual manor itself. The entrance had marble pillars that were lined in gold. Where the Zabini's preferred to keep their belongings on the down-low, the Malfoy's wanted nothing else but to be seen. To be worshipped.

Severus held on tighter to Rowan's hand as he turned to look at her. "Are you ready?" He asked, scanning her face for an ounce of regret. The first sign of anything that resembled it and he would get Rowan so far away before she could protest. "Yes," She said plainly, still in awe of what was in front of her.

Together, they marched into the manor. The loud doors closed behind them as if they were being locked in. Caged. "Oh, Professor Snape! Thank you so much for coming," Narcissa exclaimed, referring to Severus by his last name. Rowan didn't understand why, but who was she to question the woman? Narcissa looked over to Rowan, then back to Severus. "You brought your assistant?" Narcissa asked in confusion. Severus nodded quickly and replied before Rowan could. "I did. She is friends with the Zabini boy, and I was supervising their manor for Aida. She insisted she come," Severus lied, sending an apologetic look to his now annoyed-looking girlfriend.

"Oh, very well then. Have you caught her up to speed?" Narcissa asked vaguely. Rowan could almost see pity in Narcissa's eyes, but mostly she saw fear. "She knows that Draco is having some issues with potions and that if I can't help him now, Draco will return with us," Severus said, yanking at the bottom of his sleeves. Rowan suddenly grew confused as Draco was one of the brightest in their class.

"She knows nothing else?" Narcissa pressed, very light tapping her left forearm discreetly. "No, Narcissa. she knows only what is necessary. Do you think I would trust a dunder-headed child with any other knowledge?" Severus snapped. His words seemed to cut Rowan somewhere deep down, but she stayed silent. He would never say such things about her, not unless he had to.

"Tell me, Severus. What is your assistant's blood status?" Said a man Rowan could only assume was Lucius Malfoy. His long, blonde hair seemed to stay in its place neatly. He walked with a cane, not that he seemed to need it. Rather, it was more staff and for show.

"Tell me why that concerns you, Lucius?" Narcissa bit, glaring at her husband. Lucius looked like he hadn't slept in weeks. "I am a half-blood," Rowan gulped, her voice sounding more like a squeak.

"I suppose that is alright, as long as you see it that we are the superior race," Lucius replied with a creepy grin. Rowan simply hung her head in response. She would never agree with these people. Before her father found love in drinking, he found love in the small things. Wrapping gifts by hand for example. Something witches and wizards would never appreciate. Muggles were interesting and just as good as any witch or wizard Rowan had ever met.

"Your silence tells me you disagree. Tell me, Miss Knight," Lucius purred, using the end of his cane to lift Rowan's eyes to meet his. "Was your mother a blood-traitor as well?" Lucius asked, roughly knocking down Rowan's head with his cane. Rowan could see Severus grip his wand tightly, but she hoped he'd stay silent about this. Their mission was not to hex Lucius.

"Severus, dear" A woman with unruly hair hissed as she emerged from behind a large staircase. "Cissy says the boy can't be marked, but I highly think otherwise," The woman wrapped her arm around Severus' neck as his body froze in place. "Miss Lestrange, I suggest you get off of me or I will Crucio you back to whatever hole you climbed out of," Severus growled, knocking the woman who had been revealed to be Bellatrix off of him.

Love and Potions - Severus Snape x OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang