Chapter 9 - Hogsmeade

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A few weeks had passed and Rowan was the happiest she had ever been. She had been teaching more lessons, and that meant the children were no longer terrified to get questions wrong. Lockhart had stayed away from her ever since Severus had spoken with him. There were even times when Lockhart would spend his dinner eating with the students instead of with the staff.

Severus and Rowan's relationship still hadn't progressed. They hadn't even kissed again since that night. Sometimes, whenever he was sure nobody was watching, he would place his hand against the small of her back. Rowan could swear he knew what it did to her. Every time they touched, she would feel sparks. Damn legilimency, Rowan thought to herself. 

She sat, now, in the Slytherin common room. Juniper and Blaise sat on one couch, and Millicent sat beside Rowan. Since it was late November, they were all talking of the trip to Hogsmeade that would occur tomorrow. 

"Draco has already asked some Ravenclaw girl to go on a date with him to Hogsmeade," Blaise said, rolling his eyes. Ever since they returned in the fall, Blaise had been less of a player than usual. Rowan wasn't complaining though, she liked this new side of him. "Wasn't he going to ask Pansy?" Millicent replied as she leaned her face against her hand. "Nope. He said she was way too clingy and his father didn't approve," Juniper chimed in cheerfully. 

"What about you, Rowan? Any certain professor you want to ask on a date?" Millicent asked teasingly as she nudged Rowan's shoulder. "I can assure you that Professor Snape and I are nothing more than friends. Plus, I doubt he would want to hang around you idiots all day," Rowan joked as a sly smirk climbed onto her face. "We aren't idiots," Blaise retorted, fake offense laced in his voice. "Oh, yeah? Who's spending their Friday night talking about Draco Malfoy's love life?" Rowan laughed and the trio shook their head. 

"Who's the one spending their time as a professor in the Slytherin common room," Juniper joking snapped back, causing various oo's and ah's from Millicent and Blaise. Rowan rolled her eyes and stood up, stretching her back. "It is kind of late, and I have a meeting to attend. We are deciding who will stay with the students that can't go," She said, causing her friends to frown. They hated that she had to leave and return to her own quarters now, but they understood that she was no longer a student. "The least you could do is ask him, Rowan. Snape needs a day off," Millicent said and Blaise nodded in agreeance. "Fine. No promises," Rowan said before she left the common room and set off toward Dumbledore's office. 

 She was the last to arrive, which was less embarrassing than she thought it would be. As they waited for Dumbledore to begin the meeting, she decided that she would ask Severus. She was sure he would say no, so there would be no harm in confirming. "Severus, I was wondering-"

"Would you like to attend Hogsmeade with me tomorrow?" Severus blurted, shocking Rowan. Rowan smiled brightly and nodded. "I would love to- wait. On a date?" Rowan asked and a smirk found its way onto Severus' face. "Only if that is what you want, Rowan," He said, grabbing her hand. Rowan was so giddy, she had forgotten that she had promised her friends she would spend the day with them. Almost as if he read her mind, which he probably did, he calmed her worries. "I will spend time with your friends if it means I can spend time with you," He said.

Just then, Dumbledore emerged from his quarters. Rowan went to pull her hand away, but Severus only held on tighter. They hadn't told anyone about, whatever this was, and Severus was usually the first one to break the embrace, not fight to keep it. "Good evening," Dumbledore greeted, not taking a second look at the pair. "Severus-" Rowan whispered but he only shook his head. Rowan looked around and saw a very angry looked Gilderoy Lockhart staring right at them. Rowan nodded knowingly and turned her attention to the Headmaster. 

Love and Potions - Severus Snape x OCDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora