Chapter 45 - Date Night

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It had been a week. It had been a week since Rowan had returned to Hogwarts, and nothing was getting any easier. Now, as she sat watching the children make potions as Severus walked around and watched closely to make sure no mishaps were to happen, she couldn't help but think of the upcoming appointment she had right after this class. 

"Are you sure I can't come with you? You've been really sick," Severus whispered to her as he pulled up a chair to sit beside his desk. She had worried him to death last night after a nausea spell. Things would be so much easier if he knew, Rowan thought before faking a smile. "I told you, Sev. I will be just fine," She said as she placed her hand lovingly against her cheek. He smiled back at her, a sight Rowan could never get tired of seeing. "Fine. How about I make us dinner tonight? You can tell me everything Madam Pomfrey says," He offered. Rowan nodded, pecking his cheeky quickly before standing up and facing the class. 

Looking around at all the children, her heart began to swell. They had all grown so much during the year; even Blaise Zabini. As she looked over at his potion, she could see he was about to combine two highly reactive ingredients. "Zabini," She called sternly, causing him to pause his potion-making. He looked up at her with a surprised look on his face. "Perhaps your partner should double-check your work," Rowan began, giving a disappointed look to Millicent Bulstrode who had been reading a book. "5 points from Slytherin," Severus butted in, placing his arm around Rowan's waist. 

"Row- Professor Knight, couldn't you give me another chance?" Blaise asked, his tone was almost begging. "While you wouldn't be the first to blow up this classroom," Rowan began, the memory of when Lockhart had taken over the classroom was strangely fond, now. "That does not excuse your actions," She finished, looking up 

Rowan chuckled, shaking her head. "Please begin to clean up your stations and be prepared, next class we will be making a draught of peace," she stated, not sure even she could make that potion. It was a potion Severus required to be brewed for the OWLs. It was almost the reason Rowan failed potions when she was a student of his. Turning back to Severus, Rowan frowned slightly. She didn't want to miss the next class, but she knew Madam Pomfrey would have her neck if she didn't come to her appointment. "I will be eagerly awaiting for your return, Miss Knight," Severus said when the classroom had cleared. 

"And I will return, Professor Snape," Rowan assured when she saw the worried look on his face. He had barely separated from her side since she had gotten back. Though, Rowan wasn't complaining in the slightest. "Rowan-" Severus called out, grabbing Rowan's forearm as she turned to leave. "Why don't we have dinner? Just us, I mean. I could cook for us in my quarters," He offered awkwardly; he had been acting very strange lately. Rowan knew it was most likely because of her injuries, but this new version of Severus was hard to get used to. He touched her like she was fragile, and would do nothing more than steal a few kisses. 

Taking a deep breath, Rowan nodded. "I will meet you in your quarters after my appointment. I should be done by then," Knowing Madam Pomfrey, she may not be done for hours. Severus only nodded and released Rowan from his grasp. As she left, she couldn't help it as tears traveled down her cheeks. This was going to hurt in the end

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .

The cot was cold, and it made Rowan shiver down to her spine. Madam Pomfrey had this- contraption- set up so that she could check on the baby. Since Hogwarts had no electricity or power, to aid the witches and wizards in staying hidden from the world, this was no normal ultrasound machine. This machine was made of what seemed to be aluminum and wood. It had only a few nobs on the screen and a place where Madam Pomfrey could control from her wand. 

Love and Potions - Severus Snape x OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora