Chapter 46 - Separate Paths

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The wind whipped around Severus as he approached the door that seems so familiar, but so strange. He hadn't been here in years after he left without a word to either one of his parents. Though his father had long since passed on, he was aware that his mother still lived here. He had asked Albus to keep an eye on her for him; he knew after what he had done he couldn't do it himself. 

He didn't want to leave Rowan alone to face this situation by herself. Severus had never seen himself as a father, or a husband for that matter. He had planned that night perfectly, or so he thought. He would ask her about her illness, she would decline again and he would propose. He had even enchanted the candles so that they wouldn't burn out, but he hadn't gotten to ask. 

She had told him what had been making her so sick, and of all things Severus thought it could be, he never guessed it would have been a child. Not just any child, one of his own. He needed time to process what was happening, and how he could have been so foolish. This could have been prevented. 

Taking all the courage he could muster, Severus reached up and knocked on the door. Once. Twice. Thr-

"Severus?" The woman who answered the door was older than Severus had remembered. Her hair had grayed, her eyes sunken in. Most of all, the woman looked happy. Happier than Severus had ever seen her before. 

Sighing deeply, Severus forced a smile. "Mother, could I come in?"

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .

"Rowan! Aren't you supposed to be at Hogwarts?" Aida asked as she quickly waved Rowan inside. The wind threatened to bring in snow, and Rowan knew Aida hated this weather. Rowan didn't reply; she honestly didn't want to. Aida had a wedding in a few months, and there was no use in ruining her plans. "Rowan, I know that look. What's happened?" Aida asked as they sat down in front of the fireplace. The crackling from the fire gave no room for any awkward silence, and Rowan had just enough silence to last her a lifetime. 

"I'm afraid I've ruined everything, Aida. Severus wants nothing to do with me, and I won't be able to work in this condition," Rowan began, not wanting to cry any more than she already had. This was her life now, and she needed to accept that. "Is this because of your disappearance? Blaise sent me letters every day.  Oh, I was so worried!" Aida remarked loudly. Rowan shook her head as she tried to smile.

Rowan placed her hand over her stomach and watched as Aida processed what was happening. "I'm pregnant Aida, but- Severus didn't take the news very well," Rowan rushed so that she wouldn't be congratulated. Those words only rubbed salt into her ever-bleeding wound. She was unsure if she would ever rid herself of the heartbreak that Severus had left in his wake. 

Aida opened her mouth, but she didn't say anything. The only sound was the crackling of the fireplace. Aida pursed her lips in anger as she thought about what to say. There wasn't much to say in this situation. "You know you're always welcome here," Aida consoled, pulling Rowan into a much-needed hug. It was good to be back at Zabini Manor, but even so, a part of Rowan just wanted to be back at Hogwarts. Back with Severus in his quarters, eating the dinner he had worked so hard to prepare. If she hadn't been so stupid, so childish, everything would be okay right now. 

What could have stopped this was a simple spell, something that Rowan or Severus usually did. The few times they hadn't- was it really so simple? So easy for a life to be ruined. All in the blink of an eye, the whirlwind romance between the potions professor and his assistant may as well be over. What was Rowan supposed to tell their child? That Severus hadn't stuck around and left before they even knew the sex of the baby; let alone if the baby would be magically inclined. 

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