The History of Gay Gabe

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Gabe and I walked across the street, around three blocks and passed five hobos before we found the hair salon Gabe said was just 'fabulous'.

Snip, snip, snip!

I sighed at the familiar smell of dead hair and the sound of hair being cut-professionally.

"Heaven, I know doll face," Gabe sighed as he strutted in like he owned the place. I wouldn't be surprised if he did.

"Gabey-baby!" A trilling voice squealed, it reminded me of Gabe's manly-woman's voice sort of.

I turned around to see a skinny man standing next to a empty chair. He stood with his skinny hands on his boney narrow hips, and his legs pulled apart.

"Mikey-poos!" Squealed a excited Gabe as the two (partners?) united.

"Oh my goo-od, I thought you died or something, I was this close to calling the po-po's." 'Mikey-poos' held his thumb and index finger apart.

I on the other hand felt awkward as I stood in the middle of the hair salon. Shock was still on my mind when Adam allows Gabe and I out alone so that we could have a girl-gay guy night out.

Why Gabe choose this place was bed, bath, & beyond me.

"Whose your little friend over there, you haven't gone bee-line on me have you...?" Mikey-poos, asked as he eyed me up and down.

"Hell no, a friend of a friend. You'll love her, she's as feisty as you and random like Alanna." the two chuckled as Gabe brushed invisible strands of hair off his shoulder.

"Michael Jenks, you may call me Mike." He chirped and held out his hand.

I took it.

"Ph- Penelope Xavier, but Penny will do," I muttered and shook his hand once and dropped mine.

Mike gasped, "Penelope? Like one of the Goddesses? Odysseus's wife?"


"Sure..." I murmured confused.

"Omg, this is like meeting Oprah Winfrey all over again," Mike gushed as he clapped his hands together and squealed.

"Mike, you never met Oprah," Gabe sighed patiently.

"Yet," Mike stuck his tongue out and turned towards me. "Your to gaw-juss to be hanging out with this gorilla."

I giggled and twiddled my thumb awkwardly. I always hated meeting new people, it was worse than meeting your teacher with your parents on Open School Night.

I guess it was because I didn't know what irked their nerves.

"Well Penny it's time for you to meet the rest of the gang," Mike drawled and grabbed my hand.

Damn, his hands were softer than my fat ass.

Gabe skipped beside me as Mike pulled through a door that was in the back.

"Rosie Cheeks! Hubba Bubba Babe! Come heeee-ar! Gabe is here!" Mike yelled in a sing-song voice and started to jump up and down. With the result of him not letting go of my hand, my arm flapped up and down like bat wings.

I blushed-emphasize on the word blushed-when a tall, red head chick walked in.

Her green eyes flickered towards Gabe who had his arms wide open.

"Rose!" He shrieked and ran into her and-... Was he... Was he sobbing...?

"Oh my god Gabe, stop being such a drama queen," Rose chuckled and tried to untangle Gabe from her.

Diary of a Random, Cute, Fiesty, (Possibly ADHD) Chick-a-deeWhere stories live. Discover now