A 'WTF'? Moment

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I remember when I was asked out for the first time, Robby Knox had come towards me with a dead-looking flower sweating bullets.

"Ph-ph-Phoebe," he stammered, "W-w-..."

"Cut to the chase Knox," eleven year old me had snapped at the poor boy. My hair was in a French braid, my nails were painted green, neon pink, and green. And I had on that sticky lip gloss that always got on my nerves but wore it because it tasted good.

"Right," he muttered, Robby toke a deep breath, "willyougototheschooldancewithme?"

He said it so fast it was a wonder how I caught it all.

I shrugged, "sure."

I had asked my mom is if I could go when she picked me up from school, keep in mind she was in one of her Old People Awkward Phase.

"Yo, that's tight my homey, I'm down with it, just ask yo old man and it'll be O to the K with me, you dig?"

Translation: Sure, just ask your dad, I'm okay with it.

I actually had to use a dictionary when I asked my dad, being the smart ass he is, he used a big long word in a big long sentence just to say, 'yes'.

"Affirmative I suppose since you are being grown up about this, the possibility that you would sneak out and do this is very slim now that you have," he had mumbled dryly while still reading his newspaper.

Parents these days...


Gabe and I walked silently back towards the hotel, and trust me, the silence was killing me. His man-bag was slug across his shoulder as he twisted his hips like he always walk. The dent between his eyebrows seemed permanent. I wanted so badly to say something but-

Suddenly a man dressed in black popped out of no where, with quick reflects he reached for Gabe's purse.

Gabe wasn't having that.

"Oh hell no!" He shrieked as the two began to play tug-a-war. I, on the other hand, was frozen on the spot annoyingly. But then Man In Black jerked the bag out Gabe's hands and then there was a huge pop. And after the pop, bam, or whatever the sound was, there was pain.

Like knife stabbing inside your stomach pain, I heard a distant cry my name. I think it was Gabe, "somebody call 911! Pimp down! Pimp down!"

Somewhere in my brain I found the strength to laugh. Only it hurt.

Then telltale black hair came into view; Adam. His pale face was whiter then usual, his wide eyes practically screamed terror. He looked so beautiful above me, like a angel only darkness surrounded him. Maybe if I loved him like he loved me, even though he was kinda crazy in the head about, everything would have been okay. Maybe if he had the guts to ask me out like Robby did then maybe we would have gone to college together. I would have said yes.

I could hear the sound of a ambulance coming closer and closer.

My eyes flickered towards Adam's moving lips. I strained my ears to hear what he was trying to say.

"... Come on Phoebe, don't die on me," he choked out as if he was fighting for oxygen. "I love you," he gasped, "I love you even though you might hate me after all I've put you through."

My eyes welled up with tears as the surroundings started to fade away into nothing but blackness...


I think I was dreaming.

Oh who am I kidding, I knew I was dreaming.

I was staring at fourteen year old me. My hair was in that side kick pony tail thing I thought was cool with a bunch of rainbow scrunchies. I was smacking on a piece of hubba bubba gum and the fake shades that looked like the ones Jessie McCartney wore in his music video was on top of my head. I looked around the gym until I found who I was looking for.

Diary of a Random, Cute, Fiesty, (Possibly ADHD) Chick-a-deeWhere stories live. Discover now