Too Little, Too Much

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FACEBOOK Email Notification:

Between Phoebe Benson and Gabriel Travis


Gabriel: wat?

Phoebe: y r we FBing & we r 2ft away frm each other?

Gabriel: its cool...& I want 2 no the deets about ur date

Phoebe: cant we out loud?

Gabriel: lame...& b/c ur lil bf is sitting rit there

Phoebe: watev

Gabriel: was it?

Phoebe: we went out to eat & tlkd *shrug* that was bout it

Gabriel: bull...shizz... Com ooooon...

Phoebe: wat do u want me to say?

Gabriel: was he romantic? Did u eat that nasty shit rich ppl eat? ...please tell me u didnt drink wine

Phoebe: y not?

Gabriel: u rilly dont remember?

Phoebe: no...wat happened wit me drinking wine?

Gabriel: remember win we were in san jose & u made dinner?

Phoebe: yaaaa...?

Gabriel: well i was trying 2 b & brought wine...lets just say u had one 2 many glasses

Phoebe: O.O was i drunk?

Gabriel: lika kitten

Phoebe: dat dont make any sense

Gabriel: oh it will once i tell you what else happened

Phoebe: i was DAT drunk?!

Gabriel: sweety, you might as well handed your ass on a silver platter to Adam

Phoebe: oh god...i wonder y adam hadnt said anything yet

Gabriel: *shrug*

Phoebe: but wat about dat kitten thing?

Gabriel: oh ya...u were rambling on and on about kittens smitten with mitten or some shit lik dat

Phoebe: weird...

Gabriel: wouldnt hav expected less from u

Phoebe: ilu2

Gabriel: of course u about dat date?

Phoebe Benson has logged off.

FACEBOOK status notification:

Phoebe Benson has updated her status

Phoebe Benson: fml

Aunt Wilma: aww sweetie, same here


Oh God.

"Day-uhm," Gabe whispered, sipping his glass of lemonade with a hint of vodka.

Oh Jesus.

"Fuck," Nancy whimpered, fanning herself with her copy of People magazine.

Thank you for creating this fine piece of male specimen. And his all mine.

Adam, of Adam. Why'ja have to offer to mow the lawn on a hit sunny day? While us sheltered gals were busy trying to get a tan?

Gabe nearly squealed when Adam bent down to pull at the string thingy that powered up the mower. The muscles in his back tensed, making his whole body flex.

I sighed and slid my too-big-for-my-face sunglasses up to the top of my head.

"Watch and learn girlies," I whispered dazedly. Grabbing one of the glasses of lemonade, I practically skipped towards Adam. Looking up, he grinned and turned off the loud machine before he met me halfway there. Wrapping an arm around waist, he grabbed the glass with his other hand and pressed his lips against my waiting ones.

I sighed contently and made a show of placing my hands on his bare, muscular sweat glistening chest.

Watch all you want bitches, but his mine.

My knees were starting to turn weak as Adam tightened his grip.

We would have continued like this but we were running out of breath...and Gabe had sprayed us with a water hose.


"Tell me something...anything."

"Like what?" Adam murmured, fiddling with the motor of a toy car. One of the neighborhood kids had broke it and Adam offered to fix it.

"I don't, when did you start becoming handy with motors and stuff?"

He shrugged, looking up at me with a smile on his face. "A blessing and a curse I suppose."

Cocking a eyebrow, I stuck my feet out the window of my mom's car.

Yeah, we're having a conversation in a unmoving car. Fuck off.

"How? Aren't you suppose to be proud of your talents?" I asked. I mean, if I knew the difference between a blue wire and a red wire, I'll be pretty darn proud of myself. Probably even give myself a pat on the back too.

"I took a interest when I was ten, there was this old radio in my attic and I took it the garage to try and fix it. After hours of trying to fix it, arranging and rearranging pieces and my parents coming down to check up on me, I finally figured it out and was soon listening the sports channel with a glass of club soda," he explained.

I scrunched my nose up in distaste, "club soda?"

He shrugged and rolled his eyes, "my mom was on a diet, which lead to everyone being on the diet because she didn't want us to tempt her with 'unholy' food."

I snickered, "that sucked, so you couldn't eat chocolate or anything?"

He smirked, "yeah, I hid it under my bed."

I grinned and narrowed my eyes, "so how was it a curse?" I asked.

"My parents started to become dependent on me fixing everything. I threw the line when my mom asked me to fix her sewing machine, no way in hell was I going to risk getting sewed to some piece of fabric."

I snorted and dropped my head on his shoulder. "Scary."

He simply kissed me on the top of my head.

"I love you."

I froze.

Too much.

Not ready.

I simply lifted my head and kissed him into oblivion.

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