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Dear Diary,

Yeah, yeah, I'm calling you diary, don't make a big deal out of it.

It's been a whole year since I've last written in you, and I gotta say, life's good. Gabe met some Australian dude five months ago and they eloped in their backyard yesterday. Now they're flying to Africa, planning to adopt this sweet little girl. We've only seen photos of her and already I can tell she's going to have everyone wrapped around her tiny pinky.

Nancy met someone too, Kane. He's a real douche bag but she loves him so whatever, I made sure he knew I would sych Adam and Gabe on him if he hurt her. Hopefully they make cute babies and he can actually hold a job.

Speaking of babies...

Just kidding, I'm not pregnant (thank god) but Adam and I did get a real scare when we realized we hadn't, ya know, "practiced" safe sex that night he took my virginity. Yes, it was idiotic and not very mature, but hey, lesson learned. We know live in a nice apartment with Nancy and the Douch as our neighbors and Gabe and his boo living a mile away from us.

The Feds stopped searching for Adam a long time ago, something about money and a recession and all that bull. He still has to use Darryl as his fake name though, no such thing in being too careful, right?

Oh yeah, and I applied for community college, as did Adam, only he's taking two classes since he has a job and I don't. His mom still calls from time to time to see if we need anything but we always decline. The bills get paid, we have clothes on our back and we can always go to Nancy and make her feed us. We decided we didn't need anything fancy like diamonds and pearls as long as we have each other.

Except my iPhone. Can't live without my iPhone.

What else? Oh yeah, Adam proposed...last night, right at the end of Gabe's wedding. And I cried and screamed and called my mom to tell her, leaving poor Adam on one knee, still holding the ring for me to accept. It hadn't registered in my mind that I hadn't said yes yet until my mom was all like, "you said yes!?" And I was all like, "oh, yeah!"

Yes, we fight, and yes, sometimes I want to walk out, but a relationship isn't always going to be perfect. All that matter is at the end of day I know I still love him, and he loves me, and our love for each other's only going to blossom for years to come. So Booky-dee, I guess this is a good bye. I want to thank you for being there for me whenever I needed you. You'll always be apart of me, you helped me grow up and you watched me fall in love. Even though you're an inanimate object.

I'll miss you...

Sincerely, a random, cute, fiesty (possibly ADHD) chick-a-dee

Diary of a Random, Cute, Fiesty, (Possibly ADHD) Chick-a-deeWhere stories live. Discover now