Like A Virgin *Two Months Later*

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*Two Months Later*

"You have your toothbrush?"

"Yes mother," I groaned as Claudia continued to look through my suitcase.

"Where?" She frowned, "I don't see it."

Adam snickered as he leaned against the threshold and watch my mother act like a, well, mother. Overprotective, overbearing, over- yeah.

"Left pocket," I moaned, in annoyance.

"What about your deodorant? You don't-"

"Mom!" I shriek, "Gabe packed my bag, you know him, Mr. Boy-Girl scout, always prepared."

Her face visibly relaxed and she stood up.

"Good, good, I'm just worried Sweetie. You're my only baby and you-you're..." she choked and flung her arms around me. "I'm going to miss you princess."

I scowled and patted her on her back. "PDA Mom, PDA..."

Gotta be polite, right?

She huffed and, thankfully, pulled away, placing her hands on her hips. "Can you just admit that you're going to miss me?"

Yes, I was going to miss my mother. I'm not that cruel. I mean, I was probably going to cry myself to sleep the first day we get to North Carolina. Who's going to kiss my boo-boo better when I fell? Or make me hot chocolate when I was having a bad day? Adam had enough baggage already, my mood swigs did not need to add to that affect.

I smirked, "not as much as you're going to miss me."

Mom cocked an eyebrow. Universal signal for challenge accepted.

"Sure, sure. But remember who gave birth to you. I brought you into this world, I could yank you out of it like a twig."

Love you too.

But before I could come up with my witty comeback, because I totally had one, Gabe sauntered in wearing skinny jeans and loafers.

Even I couldn't pull off that. I would look...preppy.

I shudder at the thought.

"Okay ladies and gents, the car's full and...whatever, it has gas, and Nancy's called shotgun so who's driving first," he cocked an eyebrow and looked directly at Adam. It said I'm not driving and we're not trusting Phoebe to drive...

Adam pulled out the keys and dangled them in the air.

Great, now I'm stuck in the back with a Gabe that will most likely sing along to whatever Madonna song was on.

"Oh Phoebe! Look! She made a song just for a virgin!"

Oh, oh, oh, like I've never heard that one before.

Insert eye roll.

But I guess that's what my brand new! iPod touch was for.

Pandora and Rhapsody here I come...

"Te-rrific! Let's go, let's go, let's go!" Gabe squealed and skipped out my room. Adam rolled his eyes and winked at me, glancing at Claudia then at me before slipping away.

Because he was smooth like that.

And he was tell me, no, yelling at me to talk to my mom.

Mom cleared her throat, "ya know, his the only guy I've ever seen pull of skinny jeans and loafers."

I wrapped my arms around her neck. And cried.

Because I was going to miss my mommy. Sue me.

"Maaa," I wailed, "I'm going to Carolina."

She chuckled but I heard that choking sound in the back of her throat. She was totally crying too.

"I know, and ya get to leave New Mexico just like you wanted," she whispered and rubbed my back. I buried my face in her neck. She smelled like cocoa butter and syrup because we had pancakes this morning.

"I'm gonna be like, country, like, Faith Hill or Miranda Lambert," I sniffled and pulled back. Yeah, she totally had been crying.

I wiped them away because that's what daughters were for. She wiped my away because she was my mom and she loved me.

"I love you Mom."

"I love you, too, babygirl."


Crying totally can wear a person out. What felt like minutes instead of hours, it was then I felt Gabe probing my forehead with his finger.

"Wake up townslut."

"Gabe, stop calling my girlfriend a slut," Adam muttered grumpily. I felt his soft hand cup my cheek.

"Sleeping beauty, it's time to wake up."

Yeah, that's more like it. Gabe should learn from my Adam.

I cracked my eyes open, letting them adjust to the light, and fluttered them before widening my eyes to see Adam's face away from mine. Upside down.

He smiled, which looked like a frown seeing as he was upside down and said, "Nancy and Gabe are already in their rooms. You ready to go?"



And I.

Were going to share a room.

Because money's an issues of course. The account Mrs. Garden, or Connie as she finally allowed me to call her, gave Adam and I would totally not satisfy our needs.

Note the sarcasm.

So we picked hotels in each state we would need to pass.

Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and then home sweet home.

I was giddy with excitement and scared to the bones all at the same time.

About Adam and I sleeping alone. Together.


Adam carried me like I was his bride up to our room. Using the elevator because I was a fat ass. And maybe I was. His bride I mean, not an fat ass.


And when he opened our door, lemme tell ya...


It made the other hotel we shared together a long time ago look like a motel.

I jumped out of Adam's arms and ran towards the huge canopy bed that rested on a platform in the middle of the room. God, those sheets felt like silk between my fingers. Maybe because I spent six hours curled into a ball in a cramp space.

I heard Adam chuckle from the foot of the bed.

And he climbed on and then on top of me on all fours. He grabbed my sides and tickled me until tears were forming in my eyes and he kissed away the laughable pain. It was slow and measured and there was wondering hands. My stomach, my breast.

His shirt needed to come off.

Magically, it disappeared. I think I threw it across the room.


Adam's chest is all muscles. Yum.

And I think he wants my shirt off too because he keeps yanking on it.

It joins Adam's shirt.

And then I feel happy. Content.


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