A day in memory-lane

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In true Phoebe Benson fashion I tried to brush it off as if it were nothing. Like when I was six and my mom told me my father, Phoebus Benson, was leaving us and after five minutes of silence I asked her what was for breakfast. I cried when I retreated towards my room after I finished eating.  

"Cool, where did you get that gun? It looks familiar," I murmured as I scratched my left arm. A habit I picked up from a crack head dude who use to live outside our house when I was nervous.  

I didn't look up at Adam. 


I interrupted him, "look, I don't need some guy saying he 'loves' me and then leave. How about you drop me off somewhere and go kidnap some desperate soul-mate looking freak and love her. That's not me, I'm more of a 'fuck 'em, and leave 'em' type of girl, well minus the fuck 'em part since I'm still a virgin." Yesh, could I talk any longer? I thought my own ears would bleed. 

Adam just stared at me. 

The day of the kidnap: 

"Where are you taking me?!" I demanded, I knew it was all melodramatic and crap but hey. How would you react if you were kidnapped? Sure the hell not were you going to be polite and shit. 

"Don't worry about it," was his brilliant response. 

"Oh! Don't worry about it? Why in God's name would I 'worry about it' " I screamed. 

"Phoebe, if you don't shut up, I will tap your mouth shut."  

I huffed and folded my arms across my chest while leaning against the battered car seat. I looked out the window to see green grass. Only green grass. Where were we? Little house of the prairie? 

"Bastard!" I sneered, "I was this close to going to college and getting rid of my family! God!" I felt like pulling my hair but decided against it since it took me forever to straighten it.  

Adam snorted, catching me off guard. " Graduate? What do I have to worry about? It's not like I'm going to graduate." I frowned confused - and pleased I got him to talk.  

"But you were one of the smartest kids in the school," I said. 

"Yeah, but colleges want smart normal kids, not mentally I'll ones," he muttered. He continued to talk, "while you guys are off to fancy colleges far away, I'll be known as the boy who broke down when his sister died. The boy whose gonna work at the gas station, stuck in this loser town. The boy whose parents threw him into a asylum for three months..." He trailed off, starring off into space. 

A awkward silence fell between us as I repeated his words to my brain. "You have a sister?" I gasped.

"Had," He muttered.

Another awkward silence fell between us as we - Ahem, I mean he - drove towards a gas station.

Adam turned towards me, "behave or I won't hesitate to kill you," He growled. I rolled my eyes.

"Sure, sure," I sneered back and flipped my hair. He rolled his eyes and pulled something out of his pocket. I panicked. "Hell no are you putting handcuffs on me!" I half-yelled, putting my arms behind my back and out of his reach. Again, he rolled his eyes. Why did I have to get a easily-annoyed kidnapper? Hmm?

"Phoebe-Mo don't make me force you," He growled. Before I could come up with something witty, I stopped short.

"What did you call me?" I asked, shock clear in my eyes.

Adam frowned, "Phoebe."

"No, you called me Phoebe-Mo, no has ever called me that. Except for my ex-boyfriend, Jordan. Where did you get that from?" Was he stalking me? Obsessed much? I mean, I know I'm pretty and have a mighty fine body but seriously. Stalking?

He didn't answer, but before I could do my quick ninja skills, he grabbed my wrist and locked the metal around my wrist and locked the other end to the steering wheel. Making me lean against the consule, putting me in a very uncomfortable stance. And then he smirked.

Th little fucker smirked. I shot daggers at him as he climbed out and jogged towards the little store. He had some balls after all, I thought. Except the part about bringing a gun to school.

That was just plain and crazy.

Present day:

Dear Booky-dee,

Haha, I gave you a new name. I got tired of writing just plain old "Book." But anyways, I feel guilty now, not my favorite feeling really. Adam is just sitting there, staring at the ceiling in the old chair that smells like my grandma. He bought me a lunchable, the one with the pizza, which is my favorite though they never put enough cheese in it. I hope he doesn't do anything crazy like kill himself because I really need the ride since I have no clue where I am. I could ask a stranger but that will rise the risk of me getting kidnapped again. But maybe my new kidnapper wouldn't be so moody and shit. It's May 8, now, just one more week until graduation. I'll have to go to summer school when I get back. If I get back. But we're departing for now.


P.S. I would feel bad if Adam killed himself FYI.


No answer.


No answer. Again.

"Earth to my kidnapper."



No answer.

"I'm bored."

"Here's my ipod."

"But your music is lame."

"Then go on Pandora."

"But there's no WiFi."

Adam sighed, his grip tightening on the steering wheel. "Count the trees," He muttered.

Two hours later.

"Are we there yet?" I asked when we passed our seven thousandth and twenty six hundredth tree.

"No," He replied flatly.

I nodded slowly and looked out the window.

"Hows 'bout now?" I asked



"Does it look like we're there?" He said, raising a eyebrow annoyed.


"Then we're not there."

"But how am I suppose to know when we're there?"

"When we get there, you'll know."

"Is it obvious?"


" 'Kay."

Strange how Adam had confessed his feelings for me not long ago, six hours ago to be exact and I was acting like Phoebe again. We've been on the road for four hours now, only trees and the sky our company. And Booky-dee as well.

"What's in that bag?" I asked as I eyed the Wal Mart bag that sat between Adam's legs.

"Hair dye," He said casually.

"For. . . ?"

"You," He said.

I froze up.

"Who, me?" I finally asked.

"Yes you."

"Couldn't be."

"Then wh- Ugh!" Adam groaned as the corner of his lips twitched. I smirked and then turned away to look out the window. It was starting to get dark, we left around 2 O' Clock. Beating "rush hour" in the Ghost Town. And when I say Rush Hour, I mean getting stuck behind a wagon being pulled by a horse.

"Uh, your not touching my hair." I said, putting my foot down.

"I don't want people to recognize you," Adam said flatly.

"Yes because your lusting over me, woo-the-fuck-hoo. My family will find me and lock you up and I'll put a restraining order on you and. . . " I trailed off. "Your not touching my hair."

Diary of a Random, Cute, Fiesty, (Possibly ADHD) Chick-a-deeWhere stories live. Discover now