Chapter Five

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"Oh my gosh, Lou. Why would they do this to you? Your literally an Angel. They definitely aren't, they are the spawn of Satan." Harry says hugging Louis tightly.

"I-I-I dont know w-w-hat to doooo. M-M-My life i-i-is a liv-ing nightm-are. I'm scared, H-H-Haz. Help me, ple-ase." Louis says through his cries and sobs. The poor boy was practically begging.

"I will help you. I wont stop helping you until they're gone." Harry says as he pulls his phone out of his pocket.

"What are you doing?" Louis asks wiping his tears away.

"Calling the police. Where do you live?" Harry asks.

"No, dont call them! I wont have anywhere to go." Louis says worriedly.

"Dont worry, I know where you can go. Only if you're comfortable though." Harry says dialing 999.

"Tell me. Where do you live?" Harry asks quickly.

"27 Pinetrees road." Louis replies and Harry nods.

"Police, please." Harry ssys as the operator asks what service he wants.

Harry speaks to the operator and she says the police will be there in 20 minutes. He thanked her and then hangs up.

"Ok, I'm not going to work today, you're more important. Let's get to your house. We can wait outside for the police." Harry says and Louis hesitates before nodding.

They walk back to Louis house, Harry taking his coat off and putting it on Louis. It was really big on him, he looked so cute.

Once they arrive at Louis house, they sit on the door step, not wanting to enter the house. Louis doesnt want to get beaten and yelled at, and Harry doesn't want to loose his temper at them.

10 minutes later, the police were pulled up outside of Louis house. There were two police cars and a police van. Probably for backup or something.

"Good morning, boys. Do you live here?" A policeman asked.

"I dont, Louis does though. I phoned up for you guys." Harry explains and the policeman nods.

"Ok, Kyle, can you talk to Louis here and me, Eric, Lucas and Adam will go and talk to the parents and take them to court." The policeman says and Kyle nods.

"Come on, guys!" The policeman calls.

The four of them head inside, while Kyle stays out here to talk to Louis, Harry staying by his side.

"Ok, tell me what have they done to you and how long have they been doing it?" Kyle asks pulling notepad and a pen out.

He flips through his notepad to a blank page and got ready to write what Louis tells him.

Louis takes a deep breath, Harry squeezing his hand in reassurance and comfort.

"Well, I can't even remember how long they've been abusing me for, but they tend to kick me, punch me, slap me, starve me and just lock me in my ro-om." Louis explains, his voice cracking at the end as tears start to fall from his beautiful blue eyes.

Kyle writes all this down and nods.

"Ok, now I just need your full name, birthday and age." Kyle says.

"Louis William Tomlinson. I'm 19 and born on December 24th 2001." Louis says to him and he nods, jotting it down in the notebook.

A few minutes later, Louis parents are escorted out of the house in hand cuffs. They both shoot a horrible, dirty look towards Louis. He shrinks behind Harry, scared they might hurt him again.

"Dont worry, love. They will never hurt you again." Harry tells him gently.

Louis just clings onto Harry's torso tightly, still scared they may hurt them, even though there's no way they can.

"Hey, do you wanna ho back to mind? You know, since you dont have a stable place now." Harry says and Louis hesitates, before slowly nodding, looking up at Hary with his big blue eyes.

"Great, let's go then. My family will love you." Harry says smiling and takes Louis hand in his, walking off to wherever his house was located.

Word count: 704

Yayyyyy! Louis is finally free from torture! Off to live with Harry forever hopefully...... Fingers crossed! Until the next chapter, KaiKai is out!

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