Chapter Two

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Before we start, I love Jay with all my heart and I know she would never of done this to Louis. It's just for the story. Ok, hope you enjoy.


Louis was crying so hard. He was absolutely terrified. He grabbed his Van's and slipped into them, before running out of the house, completely forgetting a jacket or a coat.

All Louis did was drop a plate and his mother screamed at him and slapped him hard around the face. Not just once through. She slapped him round the face hard twice!

Louis was running down the street with tears falling rapidly from his eyes and small sobs escaping his lips. He was so cold too, since it was the middle of December.

After about 10 minutes, Louis had to stop running. He was so out of breath and cold. He was also really hungry, since his parents rarely feed him and when they do, it's two pieces of dry bread. No butter, no jam, no anything. Just plain bread. It was disgusting and so hard to swallow.

Louis sat down on the floor and learnt again the supermarket wall. Across from him was A big building called STRYLES INC. Next to that was a shoe shop and on the other side was a bakery. Louis just sat there and watched as happy people walked by. They were talking with one and other, laughing with one and other and just having a good time. Louis wishes he could be happy and have a nice life.

A cold wind blew, making Louis shiver and pull his knees up to his chest for some kind of warmth. It didnt work though. He was still freezing cold.

"Oh, Haz, you can go on lunch break now. See ya in an hour." Harry's Dad says and Harry nods, smiling at him.

Harry heads out of the building, saying 'bye' to a few people on his way out. He exits the building and warps his coat around him more. It was sooooo cold. Luckily, his coat was nice and warm.

He was about to walk over to the bakery to grab a sausage roll or something when he saw a small figure sitting against the supermarket

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He was about to walk over to the bakery to grab a sausage roll or something when he saw a small figure sitting against the supermarket. He shouldn't see the face as it was buried in the persons knees.

Harry walks up to the person and sits down beside him, worried about the boy.

"Excuse me, are you ok?" Harry asks worriedly and patting the boys shoulder.

Louis flinches his shoulder away and looks up at Harry who was beside him. He had tear stains running down his cheeks, watery eyes and just a sad expression on his beautiful face.

Louis just shrugs and puts his head back down to his knees. Harry was growing more concerned over the minute. Its obvious the boy was not ok. If anything, he was completely broken and Harry really wanted to help.

"Can you tell me your name?" Harry asks the boy.

"L-L-Louis." The boy replies through his cries and lifting his head put of his knees.

"That's a nice name. My name is Harry." Harry says smiling.

"Can you tell me what's wrong?" Harry asks Louis but Louis shakes his head.

You see, Louis doesnt want to bother people with his problems. He feels like he'll just be a burden to more people then he already is.

"Ok, well I wont push you." Harry says and rubs Louis shoulder.

This time, Louis doesn't flinch away. He leans into the touch. He's found some sort of comfort, so he's not gonna let it go to waste. This may be the only time he'll ever have comfort.

Harry sits with Louis abd just talks to him for about 25 minutes, until Harry realises that he should probably get himself some lunch.

"Louis, I need to get myself some lunch. Wanna come?" Harry asks the smaller boy, who nods slowly.

Harry helps him up and only then does he notice how skinny the boy is. Does he even eat? If he does it, does he throw it all back up again? This poor boy.

They walk over to the little bakery and Harry asks for two sausage rolls. Once the lady behind the counter gives them to Harry, he pays and walks over to a little table in the corner of the bakery. The two bits sit down opposite each other.

"Here. You look hungry." Harry says sliding a sausage roll over to Louis.

Louis stares at the food in front of him. He's never had one of these before. Is it nice? He picks it up and takes a small bite from the pastry. Yum! This is good. Louis eats the whole thing in just under 3 minutes.

"Wow, you must've been hungry." Harry says chuckling and Louis flashes a small smile. The smile was only there for about 2 seconds and it was small, but it was still a smile.

Harry continues to talk to Louis until he had to go back to word. Throughout the conversation, Louus didnt say anything. It's not because he's mute, its because he's shy and scared. Scared Harry might hurt him, scared he might sat the wrong thing, scared he might attract unwanted attention.

"Ok, I'm really sorry, Lou, but I gotta go back to work." Harry says sadly.

'Lou? Cute!' Louis thought fondly.

"Ok, bye." Louis says quietly.

"Awww, you just spoke." Harry says smiling, making Louis blush and look down.

Harry puts two fingers under Louis chin and lifts his head up, making him look into his eyes.

"You have a beautiful voice. You should speak more often." Harry says and Louis smiles a small smile. It was only there for a few seconds, but it was still there!

"I gotta go." Harry says waving to Louis.

Louis waves back before having to go home. He has no where else to go. He'll have to go back to the hell hole.

He walks back home, shivering from the cold.

Once he arrives, he enters the house as quietly as possible. He then tiptoe upstairs and into his room, locking the door.

He was happy he met someone who was so nice to him. He didnt want to loose this person, so he decided that everyday at 12.20pm, he would go to Harry's workplace and stand outside and wait for him at 12.30pm for his lunch break. It'll be perfect.

Word count: 1121

How do you like it? Is it ok so far? Until the next chapter, KaiKai is out!

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