Chapter Nineteen

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"Nooooo! I don't wanna sleep!" Louis whines.

"But, Boo, you need to sleep." Harry says.

Recently, Louis has been having nightmares non-stop. He's now refusing to sleep. He doesn't want to fall asleep in fear and wake up in fear. No one wants that for themselves.

"I don't care if I need sleep. I refuse to sleep." Louis says, crossing his arms.

The thing is, Louis hasn't slept for the past two nights, three if you want to include tonight. He was exhausted, but he refuses to sleep.

"Babe, please." Harry says, practically begging at this point.

"No!" Louis yells, angrily at him.

He didn't mean to snap at him, he's just so damn tired and angsty.

Harry sighs and pulls the smaller boy onto his lap and hugs him tightly. He gently rubs Louis back, hoping to get him to fall asleep for at least a few hours.

Louis whines and tries to get out of Harry's grip, but Harry was too strong for him.

It was 11.00pm and Harry was so tired from work, but he needed to make sure Louis fell asleep.

Louis hasn't slept properly for the past 2 days! He's only had 9 hours of sleep in these past 2 days all together. He's now sleep deprived and moody.

Harry gently sways side to side, hoping it will soothe Louis and eventually get him to fall asleep.

Unfortunately, it didn't work. It had been half an hour of Harry gently swaying side to side to soothe Louis, but it hadn't worked.

Harry decided to softly sing to Louis to see if that would send him to sleep. Kinda like a lullaby, but not singing a lullaby song.

Harry clears his throat and starts singing 'Hazel' by Cavetown, since Cavetown is really relaxing and calm. Listening to Cavetown always calms Harry down.

"I'm awake again at 3 a.m. My head's so tired, but I don't care, no I don't. Outside the sky looks like it's burning down, but I won't fear, no I won't. Falling down like angels fighting. Stars and lightning, hold me tightly. Hold me tightly." Harry sings, softly to his cranky boyfriend.

Louis listens to Harry wings and starts to relax. His voice was so calming and it made him feel so safe and relaxed.

Harry could feel Louis relax and that made him smile, because now Louis might be able to actually fall asleep.

Close your blinds tonight. They'll soften and disperse the light, and if you're lucky a car might drive by and the headlights fill your ceiling with shooting stars, works of art. Waiting for your arms to part, and welcome in my beating heart badum, badum, badum, badum." Harry continues to sing, just as soft as before.

Louis starts to feel very sleepy all of a sudden. His eyes start to drop and he shifts a bit on Harry's lap, trying to get more comfy, so he can go to sleep.

Harry can tell that Louis is getting tired, because of how he's moving about to get comfy. He starts to sing the last part of the song.

"Falling down like angels fighting. Stars and lightning, hold me tightly. Falling down like angels fighting. Stars and lightning, hold me tightly. Falling down like angels fighting. Stars and lightning, hold me tightly. Hold me tightly." Harry sings, softly.

Louis was fast asleep, when Harry finished singing. He had his head on Harry's chest.

Harry slowly lays down, so Louis is now lying on top of him, his head still on his chest.

Harry smiles and goes to sleep too, happy he knows how to get Louis to sleep now.

Word count: 637

Sorry it took a while to update. I've been super busy with college and my work placement. Until the next chapter, KaiKai is out!

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