Chapter Twenty One

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"Oh god, I'm so nervous." Harry says, pacing back and forth.

"You look fine, hun. Louis loves you no matter how good or bad you look and right now you look absolutely gorgeous." Anne, Harry's mum says, looking in the mirror and smiling.

Harry was in a very expensive suit that he bought for the wedding and Anne was in a beautiful dress that wasn't as expensive as Harry's suit, but it definitely wasn't cheap.

Harry's suit:

Anne's dress:

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Anne's dress:

Harry takes a deep breath and smiles as he looks at himself in the mirror

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Harry takes a deep breath and smiles as he looks at himself in the mirror.

"I'm so proud of you, Haz." Anne says and that just makes Harry smile even more.

"Thanks, mum." Harry says and Anne kisses his cheek.

20 minutes later
Harry was standing at the front of the Church, waiting for his gorgeous soon-to-be husband walk down the isle.

The music started playing and Harry smiled so wide, as he saw Louis walking down the isle in his dress, looking stunning.

Louis' dress:

Harry started to tear up from happiness

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Harry started to tear up from happiness. He can't believe he's marrying the love of his life.

Louis smiles, clutching his bouquet of flowers tightly. He can't believe he's marrying the love of his life.

Louis doesn't have anyone to walk him down the isle, so he's doing it alone, but that's fine by him. He'd rather do it alone then with his father.

When Harry got to the end of the aisle he stood opposite Harry and it their smiles grew wider.

"You look stunning, darling." Harry says, quietly and Louis giggles quietly and blushes.

"So do you." Louis says, quietly and now it's Harry's turn to blush.

The Vicar does the speech thingy and both boys say 'I do', after putting the rings on each other's wedding finger.

"You may kiss the groom." The Vicar says and both boys kiss each other with so much love and everyone cheers for the newly wed couple.

The couple pull away to get air and look into each other's eyes lovingly.

"Wow." Louis says and Harry chuckles.

"Wow indeed." Harry says and kisses Louis cheek, making Louis blush.

Suddenly, music started and Harry and Louis looked at each other and then, hand in hand, headed over to the dance floor for the first dance.

The newly wed couple danced to the first song and then, after that, everyone else danced, ate snacks, drank alcohol and had a good time.

"I'm so happy for you Harry." Anne says, going over to Harry and Louis and giving Harry a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks, mum." Harry says, smiling and blushing a bit.

"Louis, I'm so happy for you two. After what Harry told me a few weeks ago about your past, I'm just happy you are happy now. You deserve this." Anne says and Louis smiles, widely.

"Thank you, Anne. I'm happy to be your son-in-law." Louis says and now Anne smiles widely.

"I'm happy that I'm your mother-in-law." Anne says, chuckling.

The rest of the day was spent with everyone having an amazing time and Harry and Louis being more in love then they ever have before, which they didn't think was possible.

When the wedding was over, it was 4.30pm and everyone was exhausted from having a great time.

Harry and Louis climbed into Harry's car, after saying good bye to everyone and exchanging hugs.

"Thank you." Louis says, out of the blue as Harry started driving home.

"For what?" Harry chuckles in confusion.

There was a moment of silence and Louis looked over at Harry, who glanced over at him and then looking back at the road.

"For fixing me." Louis say, smiling and he saw Harry smile too.

"Don't thank me, love. I was just doing what's best for you." Harry says and he stops at a traffic light, so he leans over and kisses Louis in the lips, Louis instantly kissing back.

They pull away as the light turns green and the rest of the ride home was a comfortable silence.

Word count: 709

Well... that's the last chapter. I hope you all enjoyed this book. I know it wasn't a continuous upload, but we got there in the end. Until next time, KaiKai is out!

Broken (Larry Stylinson) (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora