Chapter Four

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It was 3.45am and Louis was lying on his bed wide awake. He hasnt slept at all tonight. He's so tired, but he just cant sleep. He's been seeing illusions in his room. Its kinda scary. He sighs sadly for maybe the 10th time tonight. Life is hard. Being alive is hard. Being depressed is hard. Everything is hard.

Louis sits up, tired of just sitting there looking up at the ceiling. He looks over at his broken iPhone 6. He picks it up and plugs it in to charge. He just wants to see if it would work. He doubts it would though. His Dad threw it against the wall and smashed it. He thought Louis might call the police or something. To be honest, Louis doesn't even have the courage to do that. He was too scared.

"Wait, what?!" Louis asks shocked as he sees the screen light up with a power symbol showing its charging.

Louis was shocked to see that his smashed up phone works. This is amazing. Now he wont be bored out of his mind and can maybe get Harry's number. But, maybe not. He ran off at lunch from him. He was scared, he was ashamed. I mean, he can always meet him again today at lunch. Try and fix what he thought he "broke."

In reality, nothing is broken Louis just thinks it is. Harry is perfectly ok and understands what happened. He doesnt hate Louis or think he's weird. He's perfectly ok with it.

About 15 minutes later, Louis checked to see how much his phone is charged. 30%. That should do for now. He takes it off charge and goes into the app store to buy some games and maybe even Instagram or something.

Louis downloads 10 new games that look fun and Instagram and Facebook. He even downloads Spotify and YouTube. Perfect. His phone is ready to go.

He goes onto YouTube and scrolls through some videos. He comes across some songs that some people have covered.

Wait...... IS THAT HARRY?!?!?! He sings! Louis clicks on the video that is called 'Perfect now.' It's a cover of course.

He fumbles through his drawer for his earphones and finally finds them. He plugs then into his phone before pressing play on the video.

As Louis listens to it his eyes fill with tears. It's just so beautiful and calming.

"You say to me your jeans don't fit
You don't feel pretty and it's hard to miss. I wish that you could see my point of view. As someone staring back at you." Harry sings like an actual angel from heaven.

A few tears escaped Louis eyes. It was the most beautiful thing ever. He diesnt even think an Angel would sound as amazing as Harry.

"One Friday night when we're all out, I turn to you and you're looking down. And you don't wanna dance I know you love to dance. You never stop given half the chance." Harry continues to sing.

Louis actually starts to cry. He feels like Harry is singing to him. He can just relate so much to the song. It's like he's singing to him, it is just so beautiful and perfect. Just like Harry.

"Just keep your head up, love, keep your head up. Don't hide away, don't ever change. Keep your head up love, keep your head up. Don't look away, don't look away. 'Cause everybody's looking at you now. My, oh, my. I guess some queens don't need a crown. And I know why, even when your tears are falling down, still somehow, you're perfect now." Harry sings. He is literally an Angel, Louis coulfnt even believe it.

Louis smiles a small smile as tears rapidly fall down his face. It is just so beautiful, no words can explain how beautiful it is.

Another video was Harry singing. Except he wasng singing..... he was rapping! This is definitely an Eminem song just by the words. Louis had heard a few of his songs before and knew what his lyrics were like.

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