Chapter 18

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Almost at 20 chapters!! 😙 - Daytra


My eyes shot towards the entrance and I felt my heart palpitate as I stood up and walked over to Anya, one of my tech experts.

"Are you serious?" I asked, and Anya nodded. "How did you find it? And where is it?"

Oddly, I felt an anxious feeling begin to creep up on me.

Anya shrugged, "Well, we don't have an exact location, but we have coordinates. We sorted through all of Dominic's old records, bank statements, files; anything that could tell us where to find the disc. Then, I found an encrypted file on the old desktop in his office. It took me a while to figure out the coding and penetrate the firewall, but when I finally got inside, there was a set of coordinates with the letters L.O.D, written underneath."


What the hell does that mean?

"Continue. What does L.O.D mean?" I questioned, impatiently.

"I'm not sure, my guess is 'location of disc' but we'll figure that out later," She said. "Anyways, I gave Rhys the coordinates and sent him to check it out. He just called me and told me that the coordinates led him to some creepy abandoned cabin in the middle of the woods, about forty miles outside of the city. He found a locked chest with a disc inside. The disc."

I couldn't even begin to express my gratitude towards Anya.

Thanks to her, I'd be able to keep the disc in my possession and ensure the safety of the mafia, and help save Jay's brother.

"This stays inside the inner circle only. At this point, I don't know who I can and can't trust. Okay?" I demanded. Anya nodded. "Good. Give me the coordinates. I'll call Jay and Harley."

Anya nodded and walked over to my desk, but she froze when she saw Roman.

"Uh, Vixen? There's a strange man sitting at your desk. Who is he?" She inquired, pointing to Roman.

I forgot he was there.

Roman's blue eyes nervously darted around the room as he fidgeted with his hands.

"Don't worry about him, he's helping me out with something. Just write down the coordinates," I instructed her. "Then, take the rest of the day off."

Anya quickly scribbled the coordinates on a sticky note before scrambling out of my office.

I turned the sticky note in my hand, studying the coordinates.

I had no idea what to expect, but the nervous knot in my stomach increased in size.

Why am I so anxious?

"Roman, can you call Harley and tell her to meet us in my office?" I inquired, and he nodded.

I thanked him and pulled out my phone, scrolling through my contact list until I found Jay's name.

I clicked the call button and held the phone up to my ear. Jay answered on the second ring, "Hello? Vixen? Please tell me you found the disc."

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