Chapter 17

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Two chapters in a row! I definitely can't follow a schedule...

Astrid ran her hands through her dress. It was okay. A purple dress to her knees. Her hair all over her shoulders.

"After this wedding, I'm going to sleep for a decade." Astrid mumbled. "Tell me about it." Heather mumbled next to her, who was wearing a silver-ish dress.

"Should we go?" Heather asked. "You go, I'll follow you in a bit. I need to find Zephyr who is hiding somewhere here." Astrid said and winked. Heather smiled and  nodded, then left the hotel room.

"Where is Zephyr?" Astrid called loudly. She heard little squeals from the closet and smiled. "I can't find-Whoa!" Astrid yelled loudly when her high heel broke, twisting her foot.

Zephyr got out of the closet. "Mommy." Zephyr called. "It's fine, my heel broke." Astrid said and took off her heel and sat on the bed. "Ow! Not now." Astrid said and rubbed her ankle. "Zeph, come here." Zephyr went closer to her mother. "Could you give me my cello from the nightstand?" Astrid asked and Zephyr nodded.

Zephyr passed her the phone. "You okay, mommy?" Zephyr asked. "Yeah, my foot hurts a little." Astrid said and rubbed her ankle which was already swollen. She dialed Ruffnut, but she wasn't answering. She dialed Heather too, but her phone was in the room.

"Okay. Zeph, kiddo, how about you go down, I'll be right behind you." Astrid said and after taking off the left high heel of her foot, she stood up.

When the wounded foot pressed the ground, she hissed. "Where could I find the first aid box?" She asked herself and searched in the drawers.

"Bingo!" Astrid exclaimed, happily when she found the box. She limped to the bed.

Astrid heard a knock on the door. She thought it was Heather since she forgot her phone. "Come in." Astrid said and the door opened. Astrid never looked, but "Daddy!" Zephyr said and ran to Hiccup.

Astrid immediately looked up. "Hey." Hiccup said softly. "Where were you?" "Mommy's foot hurt." Zephyr said. "You okay?" Hiccup asked. Astrid nodded, tightly.

"I uh...wanted to see Zephyr and Heather wanted her cellphone. Do you want me to call her or something?" Hiccup asked. "No, it's fine. I just need to wrap it with a dressing and it'll be fine for now. Her phone is on the nightstand there." She said and stood up to give it to him.

"Oh, sit down. It's fine, I can get it myself." Hiccup said. Her hands were shaky. She knew it. Her foot was hurting as hell and having Hiccup around didn't help.

Hiccup looked at her and sighed. "Zephyr, could you go and get this to Heather? I'll help mommy." Hiccup said and Zephyr nodded.

"There is no need. I can do it on my own." Astrid said, but there was no use. Zephyr already left with the phone. "Hiccup, I appreciate the gesture, but I'm a grown woman. I can handle my own mess ups." Astrid said. "First, stop your hands from shaking, then say that." Hiccup said.

Hiccup placed her leg on his lap and took an anti-inflammatory cream. He applied a small amount on her foot and rubbed it all over. "What happened?" Hiccup asked, not looking into her eyes. Astrid bit her lips.

"My heel broke. Lucky me I sprained my ankle too." Astrid said. "Can we talk?" "About?" Hiccup asked.

"About us." Astrid said, impatiently. "There is nothing to talk about." Hiccup said. "There is everything to talk about." Astrid said. Hiccup wrapped her foot with a dressing.

"You want a painkiller?" Hiccup asked. "Hiccup, please. I beg you and you know how much I hate to beg. Don't make me hate you. Please. If you walk out, I'll hate you." Astrid said.

"Do you want a painkiller or not?" Hiccup asked, again. "I don't need a painkiller. I need to explain myself." Astrid said.

Hiccup stood up and walked to the door. He tried to open the door, but it wasn't opening. "Do you have the card?" Hiccup asked. "No, it was with Heather." Astrid said and stood up.

"It would only close if the key closed it." Astrid said and limped to the door. "Good thing Heather has her phone." Astrid mumbled. She limped to get her phone. She called Heather.

"Where are you?" Heather asked. "Can you come and get me the key?" Astrid asked. "I don't have it." Heather clarified. "What do you mean you don't have it?" Astrid asked. "There are two keycards, one is with Ruff and the other one is with you."

"Yeah, but Tuffnut took it." Heather said. "Damn it! Okay Heather, see ya." Astrid said and hang up.

"Tuffnut, I swear to the gods if you don't open the door now and I know you're here, I'll make sure you never see another sunlight!" Astrid yelled.

"In your dreams, Hofferson. Love you though." Tuffnut said. "I don't. Open the door." Astrid said. "No, you guys are gonna talk and I'll be back in a half an hour." Tuffnut said.

"What was that?" Hiccup asked. "I knew I should haven't told Tuff." Astrid mumbled and rubbed her ankle to soothe the pain. "Told what?" Hiccup asked. "None of your business, you were ready to walk out, remember?" Astrid snapped. "Can you blame me?" Hiccup snapped back.

"Yes. I can, you know why? 'Cause you didn't freaking listen to me! I've been trying to explain myself the past three days and you know what you're doing? Avoiding me! Gods, I begged you not to walk out and you were ready to walk out if it wasn't locked!" Astrid yelled.

"You kissed Arne! In front of me! Like I wasn't there!" Hiccup yelled back. "I never did! He kissed me, but I never kissed back!" Astrid yelled again and held her head.

"He never knew I was dating." Astrid said more calmly. "Why didn't you tell him, so you could have an opportunity to get back to him?" Hiccup asked.

Astrid looked shocked and then slapped him right across the face. "I can't stay here anymore." Astrid mumbled.

She took her white sneakers and wore them. Astrid was ready to walk out of the door. As soon as, Tuffnut came back and opened the door.

Astrid didn't stay a second after he did. She limped out of the room. "Astrid! Wait!" Tuffnut called her.

"Stay the hell away from me." Astrid said and tried to walk faster, but her ankle didn't help. Tuffnut caught up with her.

"What happened? Did it work?" Tuffnut asked. "Yeah, it did. So much that I had to slap him on the face. Such a good friend you are." Astrid said. "Stay away from me, please."

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