Chapter 19

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Okay the first part is still at the wedding from Hiccup's perspective. Enjoy.
"Dude, you look depressed." Tuffnut said and slid next to Hiccup.

Hiccup acted frantically to hide something from Tuffnut, but failed miserably.

"What is that? Ooh, a ring. Wait, you were going to purpose?" Tuffnut asked. Hiccup rolled his eyes. "Yes, Tuff. I was going to, until I ruined everything." Hiccup said. "Don't tell a soul."

"If you mean Astrid by the soul, don't worry she's giving me the silent treatment." Tuffnut said. "Still?" Hiccup asked. "Yep." Tuffnut said and nodded. "Why did you do that to her, though?" Tuffnut asked.

"She looked happy, with that guy." Hiccup said. "She was so happy whenever he was around and I want her to be happy. It sounds stupid, I know."

"Did she ever tell you why did she break up with him?" Tuffnut asked. Hiccup shook his head. "Astrid's gonna kill me, but Arne cheated on her. I don't how, but they found a way to stay mutual friends. There was no way they'd go back together, like ever." Tuffnut said. "You should tell her. About everything."

"No. I did put her into enough pain and she deserves none. I'm pretty sure when she knows, she's gonna hit me, tell me to stay away from her like for million years." Hiccup said and shook his head.

"Daddy." Zephyr came approaching Hiccup. Hiccup picked her up and placed her on his lap. "I'm tired." Zephyr said and rubbed her eyes.

"Okay. Good night, Tuff." Hiccup said and stood up with Zephyr on his arm. "Good night." Zephyr said. "Good night guys." Tuffnut said. "Let's first see where is your mom, then we go upstairs and put you on bed, okay?" Hiccup said.

He walked outside after Olivia telling him that she was outside. Hiccup found Astrid smiling softly with another girl. She was wearing a pale yellow dress, that looked so good on her. He softly approached her. Right now, he missed everything about her. Her laugh, her smile, her voice, her everything.

When he knew that the girl who was with Astrid, was her sister. He felt proud of her. Hiccup took Zephyr upstairs to his hotel room and helped her to change her clothes and tucked her into bed.

Next morning, Astrid was too tired to get out of bed. Eventually, she did and went to work. Since Ruffnut wasn't going to work for the next three weeks, Astrid and Olivia equally were covering for her. The first week was okay, but not that okay.

Astrid and Nadia grew more close than before. Hiccup and Astrid were still not talking and so was Astrid and Tuffnut.

Second week was almost the same. Except this week Tuffnut kept trying reaching to Astrid.

"Astrid! I'm sorry. What do you want me to do more?" Tuffnut asked. "Nothing. I need you to stay away from me." Astrid said, walking faster to the elevator.

She got in the elevator and so did Tuffnut. "Gods, Tuffnut! I'm pregnant and tired and you are suffocating me! I'm mad at you because you didn't respect my choices not because of Hiccup! It was already done between us!" Astrid yelled. "You're pregnant?" Tuffnut repeated.

Astrid realized what she said and mentally slapped herself. "What? No." Astrid said, obviously panicking. "You just said that!" Tuffnut exclaimed.

"Damn it!" Astrid cursed. "Tuffnut, please don't tell anyone." The elevator dinged and Astrid pulled Tuffnut to an empty room that she goes to when she needs to panic. "I haven't told anyone yet and you weren't supposed to know that." Astrid said, tears already forming in her eyes.

"Hey, breathe. I won't tell anyone. I promise." Tuffnut said and gently cupping her face. "You haven't told anyone?" "Except Nadia, no." Astrid said. "Your sister?" Astrid nodded. "Sorry, my emotions are all over the place." Astrid said, with her voice breaking and wiped her eyes.

"Hey, it's fine." Tuffnut said. "How far are you?"

"Six weeks. I knew when I was three weeks when I went to the clinic for my ankle." Astrid said. "You're not going to tell anyone, right?"

"I'm not, so calm down." Tuffnut said. "Do you still need time?" Astrid nodded. "Even when I know your secret?" Tuffnut asked, jokingly.

"Please, Tuff." Astrid mumbled. "I'm tired and working double shift and my legs are swollen and I'm emotional as hell, so please don't pressure me into something I'm not ready to do." "I was joking, but if that's what you want, okay. I'm always a call away when you need me." Tuffnut said and cupped her face again.

"Thank you." Astrid whispered. Tuffnut kissed her forehead, softly. "Bye." Tuffnut said. Astrid smiled and nodded.

She took some deep breaths and left to her desk.

"Liv. No, it's fine if I got to mom a little late." Astrid said. Astrid was having dinner at her mom's also Nadia was coming. "Shut up and leave I can finish on my own." Olivia said. "But it's too much for you to finish all alone." Astrid objected.

"Astrid, if I need help, there is a whole office to ask. Go get your dinner with your mom and I can cover for you. Plus I owe you one, remember?" Olivia said. Astrid sighed. "Are you sure?" She asked. "One hundred percent." Olivia said.

"Go now." Astrid looked at her for a minute just to be assured that it's fine. She picked her bag and stood up. "If you need help, you call me, okay?" Astrid said. Olivia nodded. "Okay. Go."
I kinda feel bad for Tuffnut he has both of their secrets loll.

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