Chapter 2

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"What's wrong Astrid?" Hiccup asked, concerned about his girlfriend. "Hiccup, do you remember the prom night?" Astrid asked, trying to tell him indirectly. "Well, I don't remember anything after the party since I was drunk, why are you asking?" Hiccup said, rubbing his neck. "Not even what happened between us?" Astrid asked, she was shocked. "What happened between us?" Hiccup didn't understand what was happening. "Hiccup, last month, after the party. You were drunk, yeah, but we kinda got out of control and we did it." Astrid said. "What do you mean we did it?" Hiccup said, didn't know how to react. "We had sex and now I'm pregnant." Astrid bursted out "are you sure, Astrid?" Astrid gave him do I look kidding look. "I mean are you sure it's mine?" Hiccup asked which took Astrid by surprise. "What did you just say?" Astrid said, "Do you think I'm cheating on you?" "Astrid I don't remember anything, ok!" Hiccup snapped. "Hiccup do you trust me?" "Why are you asking?" "I said Hiccup do you trust me?" "NO I DON'T!" Then they remembered they were in public. Hiccup grabbed Astrid's arm. "Don't touch me!" Astrid yelled, everyone started looking at them. "Let's go somewhere private." Hiccup said. "I'm not going anywhere with you." Astrid said, going to the table where her friends were sitting to take her things. "Astrid you okay?" "Astrid what's wrong?" "Astrid is everything ok?" Her friends was asking a different type of question. "ASTRID ASTRID ASTRID, JUST CURSE ASTRID!" She yelled, her tears betraying her. "Astrid I'm sorry I didn't mean it." Hiccup said, putting her hands on her shoulder. "I SAID DONT TOUCH ME!" Astrid yelled, taking her purse and pushing Hiccup away. She ran away from the cafe. Once she was away from the cafe they were at, she stopped putting her hands on her chest, she was tired, she was broken. She never thought that Hiccup would do that to her. Astrid was shaking. She took her phone to call her mother. "Astrid, honey. You having fun?" Her mother asked through the phone. "Mom can you come and pick me up?" Astrid cried "sweetie what's wrong?" Ingrid asked. "Where are you now?" Astrid told her mom her address and after couple of minutes she came and picked her heart broken daughter. The drive was silent. They got home and Astrid explained everything happened from the past month until now. "I'm sorry mom, I never knew this would happen." Astrid said, hugging her mom. She sobbed heavily. "It's okay Astrid." Ingrid said. "You And Hiccup are going to figure it out." No! Only me, not him. He thinks I cheated on him, and that's not true." Astrid said "I never would think of cheating on him, but he didn't trust me." "Ok, now you have to get some rest, you are tired and that's not good for your health. Go to your room and get some sleep, ok?" Ingrid said and Astrid nodded. Astrid went to her room and cried her to sleep.

Zephyr Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang