Chapter 7

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"Mom, where are we going?" Zephyr asked. "You always ask me if I have friends. I promise you, I have friends other than Tuffnut and we're going to meet them." Astrid said. It's been already a week since they were back. "You also might meet a familiar face." Astrid said. As they arrived to the diner they went inside. "Hofferson!" Astrid heard a girl calling her. She knew who it was. "Ruff!" The girls hugged and laughed. "It's so good to have you back." Ruffnut said as they broke the hug. Astrid smiled. "Zeph, this is Ruffnut. Tuff's twin sister. Ruff, this is Zephyr. My daughter." Astrid introduced. Zephyr smiled shyly and held her mother's hand tighter. "Oh my gosh. Hi!" Ruffnut said and kneeled at Zephyr's height. "Nice to meet you, Zephyr. Call me Ruff." Ruffnut held her hand out. Zephyr looked at her mother and took her hand. "Nice to meet you too, Ruff." Zephyr said.  "Where is your brother?" Astrid asked. "Meh. Left him sleeping." Ruffnut said and stood up. Astrid chuckled. "Just like old times, huh?" She said, making Ruffnut shrug. "Have you called Heather?" Ruffnut asked. Astrid shook her head. "Let's sit down." Astrid said. As they found an empty table, they sat there. "P.S I called Heather." Ruffnut said. "Oh." Astrid mumbled. Ruffnut saw a familiar figure. "Hey Haddock!" Ruffnut called. Hiccup looked over them and froze. He felt his heart skipped a beat. Zephyr lightened up as she climbed off her sit and had huge smile. "Can I go say hi, mommy?" Zephyr asked. Astrid nodded and smiled. Zephyr ran over to Hiccup. "Hi." Zephyr said. Hiccup smiled and kneeled down. "Hi, little girl." Hiccup said. "If I'll find you every time I get out of my house, I'll definitely get out everyday." Zephyr giggled. "You met Ruffnut?" Hiccup asked. "You know her?" Zephyr asked, confused. "She's a great friend of mine." Hiccup said. "Whoa! That's really complicated. May the gods help you girl." Ruffnut said to Astrid. "Yeah, thanks for the undying support." Astrid said sarcastically. "I just want them to get to know each other." Astrid looked over her daughter and her daughter's father. "Don't worry your baby daddy is great with kids." Ruffnut said. "Yeah, never call him that." Astrid said. "Ruffnut?" Astrid heard a painfully familiar person calling Ruffnut. Astrid looked at her former best friend. "What is she doing here?" Heather asked coldly, not even glancing at Astrid. "She's our friend and she's back." Ruffnut said. "Uh uh, I'm not doing this." Heather said and walked away. "Heather!" Astrid called. "Be right back!" She told Ruffnut and went right after Heather. As they both were in the parking lot, "Heather, please. I am sorry." Astrid said. "You always are, but you never mean it. You always did wrong by me and I always forgave you, but not this time. I can't." Heather said and got in her car, leaving Astrid dumbstruck. As Heather started her car and left, Astrid heard the door squeaking open. "Hey. You okay?" It was Hiccup. Astrid sniffled. "As if you care." Astrid said. "And if we're going to have a conversation that might end up we yelling at each other, I'm not really in the mood." Before Astrid could leave past to him, Hiccup held her arm. "No. I promise you, no yelling. I just want to ask you. I thought you didn't want me seeing Zephyr for now-" "Yeah, I said that, but if you think about it, it's better if you do. So, when we tell her the truth, she knows you." Astrid said. "Also, I really am sorry  for leaving." Hiccup wanted to believe about how sorry she was, he really did, but he couldn't.

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