Chapter 21

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Hello, Wattpad people. Surprise I'm not dead. I just had a busy week and also my phone had a software update and those stuff. Anyways new chapter!
"You've got two minutes to say whatever you want, then I'm hanging up." Astrid said.

"Fair enough. I just wanted to say sorry, about...everything. It wasn't my place to react the way I did." Hiccup said over the phone. Astrid sighed.

"Got used to that, third time, remember?" Astrid said and rolled her eyes.

"I-yeah I was an ass and screwed up. Again, but can we talk about everything?" Hiccup asked. "There is nothing to talk about, it's more about do you want to be in the baby's life or not?" Astrid asked. "Yes, of course yes!" Hiccup said. "Okay." Astrid said.

"Maybe later we can talk?" Hiccup asked. "Umm sure, talk to you later." Astrid said.

Later that night, Hiccup visited Astrid to her house.

"So, how did it happen? You were on pills." Hiccup asked. "Yeah, but at that time so stressed with everything and forgot to set a reminder which made forget for a week or so and then it was too late." Astrid said.

"Before you continue asking, I just need to ask this. Did you actually forgive me about leaving?"

Hiccup sighed. "Part of me will always be mad, 'cause it's not easy. I missed five years of my daughter's life." Hiccup said. Astrid looked at her lap and nodded. "But-" Hiccup kneeled in front of Astrid and held her hand. "I will be here by her side every time and every second of my life." Hiccup said.

"And it goes the same for this baby. So, yes. I forgive you. Now, my turn. Why didn't you tell me at the rehearsal?"

"Because, you were mad at me and I think you didn't trust me again and if I told you about it before we broke up, you would've stayed and probably hated me for the rest of my life." Astrid said. "Astrid." Hiccup said. "It's stupid. I know." Astrid said and chuckled weakly, wiping her eyes.

"No, it's not." Hiccup said and hugged her. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I made you feel this way." Hiccup said, kissing her hair softly.

"The truth is, I thought that you had some feelings to that Arne guy because you looked happy with him and I thought I was getting in between and when he kissed you-"

"Hiccup. I told you this once and I'm telling you again, I love you. Not him. Yes, I was stupid not to tell you this before, but I was never going back to him." Astrid said and sat up, cupping his face.

"I'm sorry that I made you feel that I might have feelings for him." She pressed her forehead into his.

"I will forgive you if you forgive me." Hiccup whispered gently. "I forgive you, silly." Astrid said and giggled softly.

"Then I forgive you too." Hiccup said. Astrid captured his lips softly with hers. "I love you." Hiccup said. "And I love you." Astrid said.

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