Chapter 14

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"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Astrid mumbled, as Hiccup accidentally rested his elbow on her hair. "Sorry!" Hiccup exclaimed. "It's totally fine, continue kissing me." Astrid said and wrapped her arm around Hiccup's neck and legs around his waist. Hiccup crashed his lips into hers. Astrid moaned into his lips, when he was about to move on to Astrid's neck, his phone rang. Astrid whined as he checked his phone. "Seriously?" Astrid whimpered. "Ignore it." "Do you want me to get fired?" Hiccup shook his head and chuckled. He answered the call, a moment later he hang up his phone and Astrid kissed him again. "You're highly eager." Hiccup mumbled. "I'm highly intoxicated by you." Astrid spat and started taking off his shirt. The time they spent together was cherished by both of them. "That was amazing." Astrid said and rested her head on Hiccup's chest. Hiccup hummed, trailing his finger from her collarbone to her hand and then back to her collarbone. "The house is so quiet without Zephyr." Astrid said. "I think mom is not willing to return her back to us." Hiccup said and they both chuckled. Zephyr was at Hiccup's parents for the weekend. "This wedding is stressing me out and I'm not the one who is getting married." Astrid said and buried her nose into Hiccup's neck. "Why did Ruffnut gave me the task to be literally the wedding planner?" "Probably because you're the only one she can trust with everything." Hiccup said. "She has her brother." Astrid mumbled. "We all know that if Tuffnut planned it, it would literally be a disaster and you're doing great." Hiccup said and stroked her hair. "I love you." Astrid mumbled and kissed his neck softly. Hiccup tensed a little. "You don't have to say it back though." Astrid said. "I love you." Hiccup said and wrapped his arm around her tighter. Astrid looked at him and smiled, then kissed him. Hiccup climbed on Astrid, but had his elbow on her hair again. Astrid winced and laughed softly. "Sorry." Hiccup whispered. "If I had a haircut, know it's because of you." Astrid said softly and grinned. Hiccup laughed. "Not that I'll complain." He said and kissed Astrid.

————The next day—————
"Come on!" Ruffnut said, pulling Astrid to the bar. "Okay, jeez." Astrid said. "I can walk on my own, you know." "I don't trust that you won't run the other way." Ruffnut said. "I won't, promise." Astrid said. They entered in. Astrid realized what Ruffnut was doing when she saw a certain raven girl. "Ruff!" Astrid exclaimed. "You know she made her decision clear. I can't force her." "But I can. I saw you trying to fix things and she just need a hit on the head." Ruffnut said. "Ruff! Please stop." Astrid said. "No. You don't get the fact it affects me, not only you. So please try again. One last time." Ruffnut said. Astrid sighed. They went to the table Heather was on. "Hi. If anyone of you leaves this table, I'd never talk to you." Ruffnut said. "But-" "No buts, Heather. I'm sick of both of you. You guys were best friends." Ruffnut said. "Keyword 'were'." Heather mumbled. "Now, you both are going to fix things and I will bring drinks." Ruffnut said, walking away. "I am truly sorry, Heather. I know you said it doesn't mean anything to you, but I am sorry. To you, to Hiccup, to everyone." Astrid said. Heather sighed. "I am sorry too." Heather said. "You did nothing wrong." Astrid said. "Truce?" "Come here." Heather said. Astrid hugged her tightly. "Gods I'm sorry, so sorry." Astrid said. "Babe?" A very unfamiliar sound of a girl behind her came up. "Right, hey." Heather said and broke the hug and kissed her girlfriend's cheek. "This is Nadia, my girlfriend." Heather said. Nadia was a blonde with green eyes. Astrid opened her hand. "Astrid Hofferson." Astrid introduced. Nadia looked at her carefully and shook her hand. "Nadia Ellison." Nadia said and Astrid retrieved her hand immediately and her smile faded away. "You're my half sister." Astrid mumbled. "You have my father's last name and I know that I have a half sister and her name is Nadia." "Astrid? You okay?" Heather asked, putting a hand on her shoulder. "I..uh...can't stay here." Astrid said and swallowed. She took off to the bar. "Hey! Astrid! What did I say about not leaving?" Ruffnut asked. "We made up!" Astrid exclaimed. "But I can't stay there." "Why?" Ruffnut asked. "Let my "half sister" tell you." Astrid said. She sat on a stool. "Tequila please." Astrid said. After seven or maybe more shots, Ruffnut decided to take her home. "Can you drive me to Hiccup's?" Astrid mumbled. "Yeah, sure. Are you okay though?" Ruffnut asked. Astrid completely ignored her. After five minutes or so, "Here we are." Ruffnut said. "Thank you." Astrid mumbled and got out off the car. She closed the door behind her and walked into the building. Her head was spinning, but she successfully made it to his apartment. She knocked the door. Once. She knocked again. Hiccup opened the door. "Astrid? Hey." Hiccup said. Astrid kissed him hard on the lips. He kissed back, but stopped when he smelled her. "Gods, Astrid. You reek." Hiccup said and pulled her in, closing the door behind her. Astrid tried to kiss him, but he stopped her. "I'm fine, Hiccup. Just little tipsy. Now, kiss me." Astrid said. "I hardly believe that. Even if you are tipsy, you are not sober. Wait, you drove here?" Hiccup asked. Astrid leaned her head into his chest and shook her head. "Ruffnut drove. She was sober." Astrid mumbled. "I have a sister." "I know you told me once." Hiccup said. "I met her today. She's dating Heather." Astrid mumbled again. Hiccup picked her up and took her  to his bedroom. He put her down on his bed. "Sleep now. Tomorrow we will talk. Okay?" Hiccup said. Astrid nodded. "Could you stay?" Astrid asked. "Yeah, of course." Hiccup said and climbed up next to her, wrapping his arm around her.

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