Chapter 3

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Third persons pov

"Welcome to the world meeting!" UN said loud enough for everyone to hear.
Germany raised his hand. "Sir why are there empty chairs in the front?" Germany asked, confused as everyone else.
"Well I'm going to introduce you to-" Suddenly a loud CRASH was heard from the back room. An unknown organization (ASEAN) jumped out of nowhere and everyone jumped in suprise. Even the organizations except NATO and EU (and UN, obviously). "F*CKING IDIOTS" the unknown organization screamed. UN looked at him, confused so the unknown organization looked down in embarassment. "Everyone, this is ASEAN." UN inroduced. Suddenly, the room was filled with whispers. ASEAN pulled out a map and put it on the board. The map had every single country and continent instead of the countries what belonged in ASEAN. ASEAN started drawing the countries that were missing. Everyone was shocked. Why didn't they know about these countries in yhe first place? "Um, t-these are my c-countries. T-the reason you didn't know a-about them b-because they were protected be me, but I-i wasn't fully an o-organization."
ASEAN stuttered while explaining."So when they were protected by me, no one could see then on old maps, the internet or they couldn't see their land, either." ASEAN built up some courage.
"I would like you to meet them. You can come up now."ASEAN said a little annoyed, giving everyone confused looks. Suddenly the door burst open to see unknown food (indomie and rice) flying everywhere and 10 countries went up to their dad and started dancing in front of him. ASEAN looked very tired, and everyone was sorry for him (instead of the ASEAN members).
"WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT BURSTING IN?!?!" ASEAN screamed while everyone else was trying to wipe the rice and indomie off their clothes. ASEAN was screaming curse words in unknown languages (you guessed it) and the ASEAN members were laughing. They sat down and everyone looked at them.

ASEAN sat down next to EU and NATO, while UN started asking the members and ASEAN about their cultures and political problems. They didn't have any issues, in fact, they were doing better then some of the other countries. EU looked at him and ASEAN blushed a little bit. The ASEAN members noticed it, and they gave EU a death glare. EU looked away. UN started giving boring lectures about earthquakes and he couldn't hear anyone than himself, so they had time to chat a little bit. ASEAN wanted to talk to EU, but his kids wouldn't let him anyway, so he turned to NATO.
"ASEAN I wanted to introduce you to LN, UN's big brother. He doesn't talk much, since he's abused by UN." NATO said a little worried. ASEAN was worried too. LN's wings were so broken, they were black and they looked like they were about to rip off. He couldn't fly either.
"Guys, I know that you're worried about me, but I'm fine." LN said tiredly. Suddenly he passed out. Everyone started panicking (instead of UN).NATO rushed him to the hospital and ASEAN followed.

By the time they were back everyone was worried, instead of UN. ASEAN and NATO sat down. EU hugged ASEAN, causing him to jump in suprise, but he hugged back. They let go after a very, VERY short time, since the ASEAN members were giving him death glares. Suddenly, Vietnam pulled out a bamboo stick (*insert lenny face*) and pointed it to EU. "If you break my dad's heart, I will kill you." he threatened. EU jumped a bit, seeing how protective ASEAN's kids are. Thailand went to calm down Vietnam a bit, by hugging him. Vietnam blushed a bit and calmed down. 'Ship' ASEAN thought to himself. The ASEAN members thought the same, giving Vietnam lenny faces *insert lenny face*. "S-shut up!!" Vietnam said, flustered. Thailand seemed a little happy during this lenny face crisis. "Kids, it's time to go home." ASEAN said, tired. They nodded and went back home.

Finally!! Another chapter done! I wasted 30 minutes of sleep. I know, that's not a lot. But being the polite idiot I am, I wrote a chapter for you guys. Even though I don't get much reads, I'm still proud of what I achieved. Question for today: What do you think is my age?
Write your answer in the comments. If I even get any, in fact. If someone comments, I'll tell you the answer in the next chapter. I've been being anxious lately, and I have to go High Tatras after Christmas, and I will not be able to post. I'll post a chapter after that.
-Author Out

Questioning looks (an ASEAN x EU fanfiction) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now