Chapter forty three - Work

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Abigail POV

After the stalker thing happened and it was ended. I decided to resume and do my work again. Even how many times Gabe protested of the idea of me working again.

"Babe you don't need to work. I can provide you anything! Please! " I look at him shocked. What is he talking about.

"Gabe before we meet, I already working. I'm just resuming my work and anyway I am safe now " I said to him but he just still protested.

"I am going to buy that agency of yours and shout it! " That made me mad at him

"Don't you dare! A lot of models working their ass for living! It's very unpropriate of you to do that!" I said to him

"But babe, why can't you just stop working. I mean I will provide you anything. Just say the word!" He said and I shake my head.

"Gabe I can't be too depends on you on every things " I said to him trying to take my point

"Why would you not? You can depend on me that's what I want!" He asked me

"But I am working woman. I also have things to need!" I said to him

"That's why I will give them to you. No need to work!" He said as he run his hands on his hair. Looking so frustrated.

"Fine but I still have contract that I need to work. Maybe after my contract expires I'll think about working again! So deal?" I asked him.

"Nope! How about this. I will look into your contract and paid the remaining works you have there. Then all you have to do is to give me your full time" He said and made me angry again. Why can't he just let me be.

"Why are you so against of me working? It's my life Gabe!" I hissed at him as he try to hugged me but I avoid him

"Babe because you don't need to work! I already said that! Your boyfriend earns billions everyday and you want to work? I couldn't just let you be!" He told me

"It's your money not mine Gabe! I can't just take what's yours! You work so hard for that!" And he give a dumb founded look.

"What?" I asked him

"I am working my ass because of you! Before you I don't have a life and now I want to work my best to give you a life and give you anything you want!" He said to me. I don't know if I be happy or mad but this guy is really crazy.

"Gabe it's not like that! I appreciate all of it. But I don't want to depend so much in you. What if we will be.." His eyes turns wide before I could finish my sentence he cut me off

"Don't you dare continue what you about to say? You still think of it? You want to break up with me?" I saw hurt reflect in his eyes.

"No! I am not breaking up with you. Goodness why are you so hard to explain!" I said to him while I took a sit in the sofa since this going to be long conversation.

"No? Then why are you saying it?" He asked me while glancing at me.

"Gabe I just thought of it. What if we won't work and you decided to comeback to the life you used to. I mean you used to have freedom and those things. " I said to him making him sit down beside me

"You think I will do something like that? Why?" He said looking hurt.

"Gabe!" I hissed at him

"You think I am stupid going back to what I used to? Babe! I love you so much you know that! Am I still not obvious how crazy in love to you? If I have to worship the ground you walk I will!", That made me burst into laughter.

"Gabe stop it! Your over exaggerating!" I told him shaking my head and laughed

"You want me to do it?" He said not amuse at all and very serious

"Gabe don't you dare!" I said to him as I read how serious he is.

"Can we just end this please!" I told him

"Not until you said you won't work again!" He said to me.

"Urg! Your so stubborn. I already told you I still have on going contract. Anyway it will end two months for now so no need to stress out!", I told him as I lay head on his lap. And he massage my scalp

"Yeah yeah and let those guys flirted at you and those billboard those guys watching you like your a piece of meat. Yeah right!" He said sarcastic way.

"Hehehe .. your so annoying" as I pinched his nose and glared at me.

"Fine I met you work for two months but in return I want something!" He said and I raise my one brow on him

"What is it?" I said. I have bad feeling about this.

"Let's do the deal that we had" he said and I decided to tease this guy.

"What deal!" I asked innocently

"Don't give me that look babe! You know what I'm talking,!" He said to me giving me the warning look. I just want to burst in laughter right now. This guy is absolutely sexual frustrated.

"I really don't know what you talking about!" I said then out of the blue. He lifted me up in his arms and carried me

"That's it! We will go to the bedroom and I will remind you there!" Oh no! I look at him in shocked

"Don't you dare!" I said to him

He opened the bedroom door and walked in. He unceremoniously throw me in my bed and he jump off on me before I can stand up. He straddle me using his legs and I can't move.

"Gabe!" I hissed at him

"What? You want to work? Then work but I get this!" He said and he lean down to capture my lips. He gives the hungry kind of lips. I pushed him since I can't breathe anymore. .

"Wait I'm not ready!" I told him

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