Chapter Eleven - Dinner

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Abigail POV

"Babe I'm home!" Yeah it's now a familiar voice to me and always been his welcome greetings when he comes home from work.

"Babe where are you?" He continues since I didn't respond to his calling

"I'm here in the kitchen!" I shouted

"Wow! What a sight to be hold of! A woman whose looking to sexy in her apron and cooking food for me!" He said while he lean on the doorway

"What are you talking about? What's so sexy in this!" I told him laughing.

Then he shakes his head and began to open his arms to hold me. Yes! It's his routine. Hugging me every now and then.

"You smell so amazing! Your the best of everything!" He said while still inhaling my scent in my hair. Then it slowly travel down to my ears and down to my neck which quite more extreme to me.

I pushed his chest and back away as much as possible. This guy will be death of me. He pouted makes him look like a lost puppy.

"Go change I will prepare dinner for us ! " I said as I try to change the too c.

"Where's Ante Molly?!" He asked

Ante Molly is the helper of the house. But ever since I am here I usually help her do the chores since I hate being lazy at all. I love to clean and cooking so it's not hard for me.

"I made her out early since her daughter called her grandson have fever so they need Ante Molly at the house because the poor boy looking for his granny!" I told him while I place my brownies on the counter of the kitchen.

He try to snatch one brownies but u quickly swatted his hand . I glared at him while he looks at me like a child being caught eating candies.

"Don't you dare! We will have dinner first then we will eat this dessert after!" I told her while I wiggle the spatula in front of him

"Gosh your so cute!" He giggled at me as he pinch my two cheeks both sides.

"Your so annoying! Can you just go to your room and change please!" I said dramatically

"Yes love!" He said then he have this playful smirk to me. And I will not surprised if he plan something weird again.

"Love do you want to help me change?" He said looking like a child.

"Not a fat chance. Just go already ok?" I said to him

Thank God he head my advice and I peacefully and successfully prepared the dinner without so much a do. Juts when he showed up again in the kitchen I am already finished preparing.

We are now both sitting in the dining table where this idiot keeps on sliding his legs into mine in purpose. I just glared at him but when he put his feet a little bit higher on my thighs I pinched him right on the spot.

"Babe that's hurt!" He said to me. While he acts like he's about to cry.

" Don't you dare put your feet on my legs.!" I told him

"Come on it's a sweet gestures. I just want to have sweet moment with my one and only girlfriend!" He said

"Nope! I can't still remember you so no!" I said firmly

"Babe even if you can't remember me. It's ok, you just need to open yourself to me again and I will show how I love you. Please?" He said pleading his eyes to me.

"Fine! I just don't feel right having flirting. Don't get me wrong but it's awkward you know!" I told him all honesty

"It's ok your getting used to it as time goes by. I will make sure of it!" He said then he resume eating his food

"Hmm your steak is the best, you can't compare it to the restaurant!" He said as he praise me making me blush

"Thank you. I'm glad you love it!" I said with a smile in my face

"Babe? !" He said while he put aside his utensils and look at me.

"Hmm?" I look at him expectingly.

" We're going out tomorrow!", He said and I look at him shocked.

Yes it's my first to be out of his house. Not that I'm complaining, he's house is incredible, it has everything you need. Like my closet for example it's like I have my very own department store. It's so big and wide selection. But still I wanted to see the world you know.

"When? Where?" I asked him excitedly

"Tommorow and it's a surprise where!" He said to me.

"Aww can you just give me a clue where are we going tomorrow then?" I pushed him a little bit cause I want to squeeze a little bit of answered.

"I bet you will love it that's all I can say!" He said then back to the food.

Whatever I will definitely looking forward tommorow for our outing. I'm so excited.

After we finished eating, I went to my room and clean myself. I change into comfortable clothes to sleep. But I know it's still early to sleep so I open my television and decided to watch on Netflix for a moment till I feel sleepy.

As I enjoying myself from warm of my duvet and Netflix movie where I find really interesting, a knocked on the door disturb me. I open my door and revealing my handsome looking boyfriend whose wearing only boxers and didn't bother to put a shirt on. As I said this guy will be the death of me. I can't help to check out his tone muscles and especially that hard and we'll endowed abs.

He cleared his throat making me snap from my daydreaming. My goodness he caught me checking on him. It's so embarrassing.

"Do you need something?" I asked him while still recovering from my embarrass moment.

"Yup I need you!" He said and I frown at him

"Seriously?" I asked him.

"Can I get inside?" He said then open my door wide without bothering me to do it instead. He plops in my bed and lay his back and grab the remote of the T V .

"What are you doing?" I asked him

"Can I watched together with you it's boring in my room!" He said then patted his side of the bed.

I hop in and try not to panicked. He scoop me into him and cuddle me before I could protest.

"Gabe.. !" I hissed at him while I try to pry his arms on me which no avail since he's stronger than me of course.

"Just this one babe. I would do anything more than this. I just to cuddle you.!" He said and that makes my heart melt.

"Ok!" I said

As we watched I didn't realize my eyes getting heavier and almost fall asleep. Gabe on the other already sleeping while his arms hugging me and his feet entangled with mine.  I reached the remote of the television and turn it off. Then I close my eyes and scooting closer to Gabe which surprisingly comfy and warm. I close my eyes and drifted to Dreamland.

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