Chapter thirty eight - shopping

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Abigail POV

As promised I went together with my sister in the shopping store with my annoying boy friend of course!

I glance at him whose driving in his Lamborghini while me setting on his side and Ashley my sister sitting at the back.

"So sis how did you two meet?" She said as she wiggle her brows playfully

"Shout up! " I answered her.

"I'm not asking you. I am asking my brother in-law!" She counter back.

"We meet at the very right time and unexpected place!" Gabe said while he throw a wink at me

"Hehe.. I saw that! My goodness I still can't believe my sister found handsome sexy and rich guy like you. Your one hell lucky girl sis!" Ashley said to me. And I rolled my eyes at her

"Nope! I'm lucky to have her as my girlfriend!" My idiotic boyfriend just added more.

"Hahaha see? Your so lucky to have him!" She said and giggled

"Where is your husband anyway?" I asked her. Since I didn't see her husband since I arrived.

"Hmm is busy!" She said and I sense something is wrong.

"Sis! You can say to me anything if you want!" I said to her.

"It's nothing like that! It's just he's been constantly busy with the company. He doesn't have time for me. He keeps going overseas project,"

"Is he cheating on you?" I asked her

"I don't know! "

"How many days his been away?" I asked her

"It's been five days now!" She said to me

"We're here! " Gabe said to us and I look at outside. We climbed out the car and went to shopping store .

"What do you need?" I asked her.

"Dress of course. You also need dress!" She said to me. I take out my card and about to give her but Gabe took it.

"Use this instead!" He hand me the black card again.

"Gabe I have my own money!" I hissed at him.

"Just used it babe! Buy whatever you both want!" He said like it's nothing.

"Gabe your too much. Anyway I don't need to buy new things for me. You already bought enough." I said to him then give his card to him.

"Come on! Just buy anything for it. How about we go in here?" Gabe point at the famous clothing brand.

Ashley squealed clearly delighted to the news. She went inside and picks some random clothes before I could stop her .

"Just leave it babe! Your sister need it. I know you can feel how sad she is!" He said and I can't help but to smiled. He interwine our fingers and we walked hand in hand.

"How about this?" He said while he show me the beautiful dress.

"No! I told you I don't need it!" I said to him. I don't want to burden him more.

"This?" He asked again. But I just shake my head.

My sister went to the cashier area and my eyes almost pope out since she have so many clothes in her hands. Before I can stop it, it's already been paid. Then I glance at the clothes that was inside the basket.

"Is this yours too?" I asked Ashley and she shake her head.

"That's yours!" Gabe said and put it in the cashier area. I was about to garb it but the idiot hold me in his arms. I didn't miss how the people there looks at us.

"Gabe get off!"

"Hmm!" He said while he kiss my head.

"Your so annoying!" I told him

"I love you too!" He said as he lean to look at me.

After we done, we came across the famous jewelry shop and Gabe being idiot again went inside.

"Ashley you can select anything you want" He said and I look at him shocked.

"You can't just say that! Why are you wasting your money!" I told him as I smack his arms.

"Do you have couple jewelries" He asked one of the sales girl.

"Yes sir! We have necklaces, bracelets and couple rings!" The girl in red hair said. I didn't miss how she pull her clothes so her cleavage can be visible in front of my boyfriend. She lick her lips and batted her eyeslashes as she look at him.

"Would you like necklace babe?" Gabe said and I didn't pay attention to it. Because I annoyed on how the girl freely displaying flirty moves on my boyfriend.

"How about this sir? This is our limited edition!" She said and lean down more so her boobs almost out.

Gabe look at the manager of the shop and called him.

"Can I please have another salesgirl. The one whose not flirty as her . I don't want my girlfriend to get mad at me!" He said and I look at him. Thank goodness he sense it.

"So do you like the necklace? Or bracelets? Or the ring? How about we get the three? " He said to me.

"Just the necklace with pendant so we can put our pictures together in there!" I said and that makes him smile.

"I didn't know my baby is so sweet! It's a good thing sometimes to make you jealous huh?" He playfully teases me

"I'm not jealous!" I said to him

"Yeah your clearly not jealous" He said in sarcasm.

The sales girl hand us the necklace and Gabe put it immediately in my neck.

"That looks good on you. Don't take it off ok?" He said to me

After that we went to a restaurant since I am starving. My stomach has been giving me weird sound.

"I'm hungry!" I said as I put my head in his shoulder.

"Aww don't you dare both do your lovey dovey when your with me. I feel like I'm thirty wheeling here!" My sister said and I glared at her.

" Baby what do you want to eat?" As the waiter hand us the menu.

"Can you stop staring at my girlfriend? Can you call your manager!" Gabe said and I rolled my eyes at him. I dismiss the waiter and signal him to get us another one.

"Stop looking at him!" He hissed at me. And I smack him

"Don't be rude! He's not staring at me" I said to him as I read the menu.
"Come on let's start order. I'm very hungry!" I whines at him making him laughed

"Sis how could you make him fall for you. When you eat that much? Are you not having second thoughts?" Ashley said as she look at Gabe.

"Nah ... I just love the way she is. She's more everything to me!"

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