Chapter forty six - Working again

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Abigail POV

"That's a wrap everyone!" My photographer and director said. I let out a deep breath and went to Candice whose sitting on the side of the set. We are currently shooting in an office place. Dylan and I is partner in this shoot. They said we have good chemistry together and we look good in camera. Well I don't care as long as the shoot over so I can come home.

"So how's working again?" Candice asked me when we both sitted in the dressing room.

"It's quite tiring as always!" I said to her . She glance at my neck and I glared at her .

"Yeah! You cover your hickey really well!" She giggled and I can't help my blood to boil again.

She make me remember the scene where me and my boyfriend before I came to work this morning.



"Gabe let go I am going to be late on my first day!" I said as I try to pry off his arms to me. But it seem this guy won't butt off and decided to lutch on me tightly instead.

"Gabe!" I whined as I slightly pushed me but then again instead her let go, he hugged me even more.

"Babe let's go sleep. I'm still sleepy!" He said to me and I closed my eyes since he didn't listen to me at all.

"Gabe! I need to prepare for work. So now let go. You can still sleep anyway!" I said to him. But he never let go. Instead he flipped me and making him hovering me.

"Hey! What are you doing?" I said as I slap his arms since he tighten his hold on me.

But being an idiot, he never listen and just kissed me deeply. I try to patted his chest slightly so he will let go of my lips but he didn't again. How could this guy be so stubborn. His hands do wonders again and I can't help but to give in.

I just love this guy so much.

After we make love I went to bath. I change into comfortable clothes and my eyes went wild and wide. Who wouldn't? I saw an hickey not just one but many. It's all over my body.

" Gabe!!!!!!!!" I storm off on my bathroom and shake Gabe whose sleeping on his back.

"Babe?" He said as he innocently said while he look at me.

"You idiot why did you put so many hickies in me. You know I'll be working today!" I scolded him but the jerk boyfriend of mine just shrugged and then he put his finger on chin like he was thinking something.

"Hmm how about you cancel you work baby?" He said and made my eyes turns wide. Is he serious?

"Your such an idiot! You know I can't I already sign contract for it!" I told him while I still stand in front of him my hands smare on my hips.

"You know I can easily help you with it. I told you many times not to at again but you refuse! I just cant understand why you need to work again! If it's a money I can give it to you!" He said. And now he is sitting in the bed while he look at me.

"I am not your responsibility! Whatever I just put some concealer on this!" I huff as I walked again to bathroom.

"Fine! But you'll be getting it every time you have scheduled babe!" He said to me and that want me to explode.

"Gabe! Don't you dare!" I told him shouting

End of flashback


After that I didn't bother to argue with him. Hi very unreasonable but I guess he can't help it since he really doesn't like me working again. But I can't just depends on him right?

"I really don't understand why you won't stop working? Good thing you convince you hot and rich boyfriend?" Candice asked me bringing me back from my thoughts.

"Yeah but before giving me too much hickies all over my body" I scowled at her.

"Aww he so adorable. He told me to call him if someone try to pass or hit on you!" Candice said as she giggled.

Then someone cleared throat at the back and both of us turn our attention to it. It was Dylan, he's looking at me while his hands doing some weird signal.

Candice lean against me and whispered something on me.

"Yeah like that! Should I call your boyfriend?" She asked me teasingly

I shake my head and glared at her for warning. I look at to dylan whose still looking at me.

"Need something?" I asked him

"Yeah! Can I asked you for coffee? I know you like coffee after work? How about it?" He asked me.

"I'll pass Dylan! But thank you for inviting me!" I politely decline his offer. The last thing I want to happen is to my boyfriend barge in here.

"It's ok maybe some other time then!", He said then turn his back.

"Wow! Still irresistible to men huh?" Candice tease me. This girl will never stop teasing me .

"Shout up!" I said as I stand up and made my way out.

"Hey your going home now?" She asked me

"Yeah but not before I grab coffee from my favorite coffee shop!" I told her and she nodded.

As I took a seat in the shop and began slurping my coffee. I noticed Dylan smiling at me. Woah! Really his here? I thought myself.

"See, your really going here. Can I sit in your table?" He asked me while point at the vacant chair beside me. I can't help but to nod since it's impolite to decline right? He took a sit beside me and he keeps talking to me and Candice. I noticed the way he lean closer to me and I just shake it.

"So theirs this nice shop, they have sweetest sweet there. Want to try?" He asks me. Nah I do love sweets a lot but I don't want my boyfriend to be all gaga when he found out I'll take offer from other guy.

"Nope thanks" I said to him

"You know I like you right?" He said to me and I eyed him innocently.

"I don't know!" I said . I look at to Candice whose busy drinking her coffee and cheesecake. My goodness can't she tell I'm a little bit need help here?

"I really like you can I ask you to a date? I'm really serious on you?" He told me

"Dylan I already have a boyfriend! I don't think he will love it!" I said so he will shout about it.

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