Chapter thirty nine - Baby shower

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Gabriel POV

I am currently sitting in the edge of my bed waiting for Abe. She said we will go together downstairs since the baby shower held downstairs of the house. I look at my outfit for one last time.

I am wearing white shirt slightly tuck in my black jeans with a pair of sneakers. Abe said just to wait something comfortable. That woman doesn't like to wear any fancy. But I told her yesterday to wear the couple necklace that I bought for her and me.

My door open, revealing my sexy girlfriend whose Chanel white crop top and matching it black skinny jeans that perfectly showcase her sexy figure.

"Let's go!" She said said as she held her hand to me

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

"Let's go!" She said said as she held her hand to me. But I have other plan before we go downstairs. I just can let her go down there wearing something like that without me marking her.

I held her hand in one hand and encircled my arm around her . She let out a cute squeak when I lifted her and deposit her in my bed. I smirk at her as she look at me confused to what I'm doing to her.

I climbed into the bed joining her, hovering over her. Her expression turn to horror when she realized what I'm about to do with her. Before she could react I claimed her sweet lips and I didn't hold back. I kiss her hungrily, I think she's in the good mood since she responded to my kiss. It gives me the courage to do more and I continue my assault this time I turn my attention to her neck.

The moment my mouth landed in her neck she moan sexily and I almost lost it. I suck her sensitive and nibble it. She moan my name and I swear one second more and I will lost all of my self control. Goodness this woman drives me crazy.

"Sis are you both ready?" Her sister voice rang outside the door of my room. I mentally groan great timing.

Abe slightly pushed me making space between us. I give her one quick kiss before I hop out of the bed and extend my hand for her. She glared at me but still did not decided my hand and I wink at her in response.

My door open revealing Ashley whose wearing very fancy dress. These two really an opposite of everything. She look at us smirk as she glance Abe's neck whose wearing my heckie , that just planted freshly by me. I glance at her proudly.

"What?" Abe said innocently. Of course she's oblivious because my baby is innocent that makes her more sexy in my eyes.

"Nothing babe you look so beautiful today!" I said as I kiss her cheeks lovingly.

"Oh no! Don't you both freely display your lovey dovey in front of me" Ashley groan as she exited the door.

"You are really such an idiot! She almost caught us!" She said and I swear her cheeks turns red as she said it.

"That's normal anyway!" I said and I shrugged. Then we went downstairs for the party.

The part just started and I saw a lot of Ashley's friends consist of females whose I can say just like Ashley. I guess birds same feather flack together. I didn't miss how they throw a seductive glance at me while my Abe just being Abe didn't notice at all.

Abe busily talking to her mom and I noticed someone staring at her so intensely making me want to punch that person.

As he stared at her he walked closer so that the mother and daughter whose talking animatedly will notice him. He even cleared his throat to emphasize more, pathetic!

"Oh dear! Usher thank you for coming!" Angela said as he successfully gain both attention of them. I saw Abe glance at him but didn't bother to say anything. She look into her mom again.

"Thank you for inviting me Mrs. Lawson! It's my pleasure! Actually I'm kind of delighted and happy seeing you back Abe!" That made my girl turn her gaze to him once more but more like confused.

"Me?" She asked as she point herself

"Yeah! Same old same Abe I guess!" He said while he smiled to her.

"Do I know you?" She asked

"Sweetheart he's the son of your father's friend" That made my blood boiled so he's the one that her dad talk about. Abe nodded her head.

"I am wanted to officially introduce myself I'm Usher Stone!" He said as he extend his hand to her.

"Abe!" She said shortly without bothering to take his hand. That's my girl. As always she hates men's population.

But the idiot just laughed looking at her nonchalant reaction.

"Your always like that! You never bother to notice everything surround you. Making you appealing and easily captured men's heart!" He said and I don't think I can take it anymore. I step as I held Abe in my arms protectively.

"Yeah that's makes her appealing but only for me I assume right babe?" I asked Abe whose looking at me in amusement.

"An you are?" The jerk asked me.

"I'm Gabriel Hudson, Abe's one and only boyfriend!" I said proudly. I didn't miss how his eyes went wide taken aback of my announcement.

"Did she personally acknowledge you?" He asked me. The nerve of this guy.

"Hmm!" Abe cleared her throat gaining both of our attention. " I think both of you gain too much audience. And yes his my boyfriend Mr. Stone!" She said as she drag me away from the place. Not that I complaining.

" What the hell is that?" She confronted me and I hugged her instead.

"He's flirting you and I hate it!" I said as I kiss her forehead.

"I'm not interested in anyone Gabe. You don't have to worry about that!" She said .

"Yeah yeah! I am not worry but that guy openly flirting you just right in front of me. How dare him!" I hissed can't help my blood boiled as the thought of how he looks at what's mine.

"I didn't do that to anyone whose busy and openly flirting you tonight. You just need a little bit trust and faith to me Gabe!" She said to me while she push me slightly meeting my eyes.

"Are you jealous of those women? Obviously I'm not interested in them too!" I shrugged and it made her smiled to me again making her show both side of her dimple.

"Hahaha.. you can say that! But Ashley friends are very liberated" She said and I smiled to her.

"I love you so much you know that! Even if they throw themselves to me I will never ever forget the fact that I have such beautiful and wonderful girlfriend and I am absolutely lucky to have" I told her and kiss her lips .

"Then you should not get jealous ever those simple things. Because I always have my eyes on you!" She said to me making my heart flutter.

My Falling WifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora