Chapter twenty six - Explanation

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Abigail POV

Looking at the guy beside me whose the same person who hurted me makes me wonder. Is this really the guy in the party? He's acting sincere here and didn't care if he look pathetic just to get my attention.

He's been constantly annoying by feeding me with his food when in fact I told him that I already eaten my breakfast. But he keeps pushing it and I just let it be since I don't have strength to argue anymore. I decided to hear his side since he's entitled to defend himself. I just can't believe all the way those pictures.

He dissappear in the kitchen and went back again taking the side of my sit. He looks at me trying to gain my attention since my eyes glued in the television but truthfully all my senses only reacting to him. I tap off button and face him.

" Can I explain now?" He said. I shrugged my shoulder though honestly I want to hear his explanation I just don't want to voice it out.

"That night I lied to you when I told you I went to important meeting. It's actually one of my best friends birthday party. He came to my office the other before that happened remember when we have our facetime? Yes that's them visiting me! It's Daniel'd birthday and he asked me to come. At first I don't want to come but they keep convincing me. So I agreed. I'm sorry I didn't take you there because I am afraid they will see you. Those guys when they see hot beautiful, pretty and sexy girls they will all go panicked and they will do anything to get the girl. And I don't want that to happen " he said as he stopped

"Why would that happen? I'm your girlfriend! Giving on the situation even if they purposely flirted on me I will never flirt nor give them a chance. Did you think low of me?" I said to him in a calming voice

He shakes his head in denial and hood my hand I just let him be since I see his on the bridge of crying.

"No! I just don't want anyone gawking at you or saw you. If I can keep you away from those guys then I will. That's why!"

"Are you aware how selfish sound are you now? You don't want me to be seen by those kind of men. But you on the other hand freely displaying your affection to other girls? I didn't remember asking you to avoid girls nor I said I don't want them to see you with them because I am mentally assuming that you would never cheated on me!" I said to him though I try to shake his hands away from me now since all the words he said it's hurting me.

"Babe I swear the last picture show me kissing that girl is definitely untrue. She lunge herself to me and just kiss me there. Then the camera snap I didn't even notice it. I pushed her I swear! Those girls in the party yes! They been flirting at me, throw their self to me but I ignore it. I will never cheat on you. I am not proud of my past. I been playing girls all the time. Yes I won't deny it. But ever since you came into my life I change. Because I want to settle down with you. I don't want to lose you! "

"If you don't want to lose then why did you do it? Why lie to me?" I said frowning at him.

"Babe please... I am not cheating on you"

"How can I be sure? With those amount of girls in there? Not to mention they're sexy and beautiful. Will you expect me to believe you?" I asked him not bothering of I sound such a jealous girl friend now.

The stupid guy in front of me smiled though he tried to hide it but of course he failed and I glared at him.

"Babe I don't know if I feel happy knowing your jealous of them. But believe me maybe the past me will see them sexy, beautiful and whatever and won't hesitate to bang them. But I changed now I have you. I love you. Those girls only want something my money and power. Please don't ever say their pretty I have you, your more than them!" He said and I can't help but to cringed every words he said.

"Tell me honestly did you bang those girls before we've meet? Especially that girl that lunged at you?" I said looking at him without blinking.

"Yes!" He nodded and my eyes went wild then I can't help myself to gag.

"Those women? Oh my goodness and then you kiss me? Seriously? Are you even clean?" I said shocked

"Of course I am clean. We can go to the hospital if you want to check! Babe please I'm sorry!" Then he hold me.

"Don't you dare hold me. Urg why did I have such a Playboy boyfriend!" I said then walked to my room. He followed me and I took a sit on the edge of my bed.

"Babe please .. please forgive me!" He said hugging my legs while he's kneeling infront of me.

"Ok I forgive but not fully!" I said when he's about to lunged at me and I raised my hand to stop him. " First I still keep myself here and no kissing me. I'm still processing the fact that I been sharing saliva with those women!" I said to him. I don't want to be sound bitchy but I can't help it.

"Babe that's too much" He stomped then lunged at me making me stumbled on my back. Thank goodness I land my back on the bed. Whick quite not a good thing since this guy hovering me now. I glared at me when he try to deep his head to me.

"Don't you dare!" I warn him but he just grin at me. I try to push him but he clamp both of wrist with his hands.

"Just one kiss please?" He blink his eyes trying to look cute and I swear I want to laugh at him right now only if we're not in this awkward position.

" No! Get off of me now!" But he didn't listen instead he lean down and captured my lips. Even how hard I tried to resist him but this guy is hard and persistent.

"Urg!" I can only groan in response.

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