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episode 13~the bionic 500~

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episode 13
~the bionic 500~

"leo, how'd you get to be first in line for locker reassignments?"

"oh, since i couldn't get any sleep, i've been here since dawn."

"is it cause of your new neighbor?" val asked, taking her lanyard off and placing it around bree's neck.

"yeah—-fyi, you do not want to see the lunch ladies without makeup."

"wait, they wear makeup?"

"but since i'm first in line, i'll finally get the corner locker," leo said as adam approached them.

"wait a second, i thought this was the line for lice check," adam clicked his tongue and walked away.

"there she is: locker 106. away from the traffic, near the cheerleaders, and i can see principal perry before anyone else—-and a two second head start can save a life," leo informed, and the other two davenport siblings nodded their heads before leaving.

"listen up, weasels! it's locker reassignment day. why, you ask? a little trick i learned from my days as a prison guard. never let the perps get comfy!" perry slammed the table in front of her after every word. "also, drag your hands through mashed potatoes to check for weapons. mhm, enjoy your lunch! alright, dooley, what locker do you want?"

"the corner one-"

"already taken!"

"what? by who?"

"by me, clayton harrington," a teenager in a light blue crew neck trudged towards the two, looking at valerie up and down.

"well, clayton harrington, i know you're new here, but i was first in line."

"oh, i know, that's why i offered principal perry an all-expense-paid trip to go wherever she wants," he smiled.

"staten island cat show, here i come! rroww!"

"but that's not fair," leo complained.

"i know, isn't injustice infuriating? hey, balderas, how's your dad?"

"he's swell," valerie faked a smile, hating how much perry loved her dad.

"tell him i'm still waiting on that call back?" perry adjusted her pantsuit, then spotted other kids she wanted to bother.

"balderas, huh?" clayton smirked, but before he could say anything else, leo opened his mouth.

"why do you care so much about getting the corner locker?"

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