Were Going To The 'Mall'

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"So ask your dads! Please I really want to go, especially since school is tomorrow. Remember say mall," Kathryn begs. "Also Chloe is coming with us."

"Alright, alright. I'll ask. Hold on." I cover the mouth piece and yell for the boys.

"Hey guys! Can I go to the mall with Kathryn?!" I yell. A few seconds later I get a reply.

"Sure!" One of them yells.

"Okay I can go. You sure we won't get in trouble?" I ask.

"I'm one hundred percent sure. As long as we don't get drunk were fine. Now dress in the most hottest thing you own and look really pretty. I'll pick you up in an hour, bye." I say bye and hang up. When I finish my outfit and make up there's a ring at the door.

"Kathryn's here! See you in a bit!" I yell to the boys. No reply. Must be frickle frakling. I open it and Kathryn stands at the door with a girl that must be Chloe. She had long blonde hair blue eyes and she's tall. I didn't get to see her all week which was a bum.

"Rose! You look...hot." Kathryn says. "Oh, and this is Chloe. Chloe this is Rose."

"I know who she is." Chloe giggles.  I smile and we walk to the car. Kathryn said she was taking me to a party. Thankfully it wasn't one of those girly ones that only popular girls went to. It was Dylan Ken's party o believe. I think he is dating Julie. 

"So mum said you have to be home by nine-thirty. I'll be here at nine. Be ready or your walking." Brad, Kathryn's brother told her. She nods and pulls us into the house. The smell of alcohol and smoke made me gag.

"So, what were gonna do is since were all dressed like hot populars were gonna get a boy. Or at least make out with one. Got it?" Kathryn plans.

"Yeah, but why are we doing this exactly?" I ask.

"For you to get over Austin, silly. You need a boy that won't hurt you." Chloe says. I nod. Honestly I didn't want another boyfriend. Kathryn darted to the kitchen and grabbed some cups full of light brown liquid.

"Is this beer?'' Chloe aks. She nods. I shrug and take a sip. The drink stung my mouth but it was kinda good. I finished the drink and grabbed the other two from the girls' hands. I chugged them down and started yelling.

"Wooohooo! Honey Bunny wants a bunny!" I walked to the kitchen and drank two more cups. Damn this stuff was good.

There was no sight of Chloe or Kathryn, but I didn't care. I got up on the table and started to dance. Some guy walked up and started to cheer. He looked really familiar. I moved my hips to the beat then jumped off. He shrieked but caught me.

"Hehe. Your superman! Hahaha." I laughed.

"And your drunk." He states. I laugh harder but he covers my mouth. "Hey, your Rose. Your in my science class."

"Oh my god. The dogs left." I gasped.

"What?" He says.

"My dogs! Kathryn and Chloe! They ran away." I huff. The boy chuckles and carried me through the house. In like, under a second we were up the stairs.

"Sit down." He says.

"Alright mum. Wait I don't have-"

"I know you have gay dads. Your in my class remember? In Brandon, the one that sits next to you?"

"Yeah your really cute. No..hot," I say climbing on top of him. He smirks and rolls us over so I'm on the bottom.

"And your beautiful." He says.  I laugh hard and smack his chest.

"My boyfriend called me that. Until he gave me a new name." I snort.

"Oh I don't want to cheat on you with your boyfriend." Brandon says. I shake my head.

"No we uh, um...broke out." I say closing my eyes, swallowing the lump in my throat.

"Oh. So I can do this." He leans down and plants his lips on mine. He pulls away.

"Ya, you can. But I can do this." I flip him over and straddle his waist. He smirks but I ruffle his hair and laugh. "What a good doggie! Yes you are!"

Brandon laughs and pulls me off of him. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. We head downstairs and began to dance.


YES YES THEY KISSED CALM DOWN. But what do you guys think of Brandon? He's a good guy promise. He won't hurt Rose.

So I have a funny story. Okay so I was cooking pancakes this morning and I wasn't thinking and I touched the pan and not the pancake and I burned myself ahaha I'm fine but I was laughing so hard like "damn Marisa your stupid"

Also I wanna do a little dedication for who every gives me a really good idea for the book. But not for the ending because I have that already planned. I'll pick the best one and put that on the next chapter or the one after that.

Leave suggestions here:

Well I'm gonna go I'll update again promise.

xx brunettewbu

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