Awkwardness and Period Problems

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The tension was freaking AWKWARD. Liam kept giving me the puppy eyes whenever I looked at him. He was basically begging for me to forgive him. Well, I'm not. I just wanted to leave.

"Anyway so she slipped her phone in my pocket expecting me to give it back. I just gave it back saying 'Its not going to work'." Harry laughs. The boys were telling  crazy fan experiences. Everybody laughs, except Liam and I.

"Tough crowd." Harry chuckles. I roll my eyes and poke at my plate with the fork.

"Rose are you going to eat the rest of you pasta?" Louis whispers. I shake my head. "Why not?"

"I don't feel good." I mumble.

"Okay, go upstairs then. But first put away your dishes and give Harry and I a kiss." Louis says. I shake my head and walk into the kitchen. I empty my pasta into the trash, then place the plate into the sink. When I walk past everyone, Zayn asks:

"Where are you going?"

"She doesn't feel good," Louis snaps.

"I was just asking mate, don't need to get all protective." Zayn raises his hands in the air. Louis stares at him, as if he were planing to attact. I hang my head low and head upstairs. It was a good five minutes of me staring at the ceiling until someone came in.

"Rose, are you okay?" Harry says. I shake my head. "What's wrong?"

"Liam, he..he keeps staring at me just begging me to say something. I'm uncomfortable and plus I think I'm on my period." I say holding my stomach. The pain was either cramps or that feeling you have in your tummy before you throw up.

"Well, that sounds like a girl problem. I'll get Louis." Harry says.

"But, Lou is a boy," I frown.

"No, he has four sisters that he had to help. He's has another sister and brother but there new borns." He explains.

"Oh, ok." I shift in the bed, getting out and heading to my bathroom. I pull down my pants and check my underwear. Yep, I'm on my period. I cleaned up a bit and stuck some toliet paper in my underwear.

"Rose? You in here? Haz told me you were maybe on your period," Louis calls.

"I'm in the bathroom." I say.

"Can I come in?" I reply with a yes, the door opens slow, giving me time to pull up my pants.

"I don't have any pads or tampons, whichever you prefer so I have to get some. But I do have pain medicine and pepto, if you want that." Louis explains.

"Pepto please." I say. Louis nods and walks out. I make my way out of the bathroom and to my bed. Louis comes in with a spoon and the Pepto. He opens the bottle and pours it into the spoon.

"Open," Louis commands. I do as he says, opening and taking the pepto off the spoon, into my mouth. Louis slides the spoon out of my mouth as I swallow. "Why is the real reason you came up here?"

"Cramps. You already know that." That was part lie but it was also part truth. I didn't feel well plus the tension with Liam.

"No, theres another reason, I know it." He says. I look at the ceiling. "Rose..."

"Okay! There is another reason but I am on my period and the cramps are really bad," I groan. Louis walks over to me and sits on the end of the bed rubbing my foot. Luckily it was covered with a sock so it didn't tickle. Yes I'm ticklish.

"I knew it," Lou smirks. I roll my eyes and roll on my side.

"Can you or Harry get me pads? I hate tampons." I tell Lou. He nods and walks out.


Hey guys! So I actually updated this story on my new computer and it was really cool.

QOTD: What do yo read on? Phone/Tablet, computer, or both?

AOTD: I read on my phone.

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