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"Baby wake up, I wanna show you something," I hear someone say. I groan, swinging the blanket over me. "Don't be lazy."

"I can be lazy if I want to," I groan. Then I feel wet marks being left on my face. "Stop."

"No." Austin says. Before he can kiss my cheek I swing over and kiss his lips. He laughs into the kiss and crawls on top of me. I pull away.

"Its funny because usually eighteen or seventeen year olds do this. And were only fourteen." I say.

"I'm fifteen, Rose." Austing laughs.

"Oh," I smile. I run my hands to the back of his head and brush my fingers through his small and soft curls.

"Anyway about your surprise," Austin climbs off of me and I groan. He chuckles and reaches into a bag. He pulls out a box.

"Are you proposing?! Oh I must go tell mother!" I joke. Austin bursts out laughing. "Okay in all seriousness what is it?"

"Here, open it," Austin recovers from his laughs.

I giggle and open the black box. Taking ahold of the bracelet that is inside. I gasp.

"Austin its beautiful, such a pretty braclet," I smile.

"Its an anklet. It says Rose on it. Then a heart." Austin explains. I turn it over and see the engravement.

"You didn't have too," I whine.

"Its your early Christmas present. I wanted you to open it now because I won't see you when you leave."

"Aw baby," I kiss Austin's cheek and we spend the rest of the day cuddling.


"Hey munchkin, wake up." Someone shakes me. There hand is big. I groan.

"Louis go away," I say.

"I'm not Louis, or Harry." I open my right eye and see Liam smiling.

"LILI!" I yell. He shushes me. I ignore him and hug him. I hear my door creak open and hear people scream 'SURPRISE!'. I look up and see, Niall, Zayn, Louis, and Harry.

"I missed you all so much!" I release my grip from Liam and we all pile into a group hug. They all kiss my cheek. Except Zayn.

"Hey uh, Rose can I talk to you? Alone?" Zayn asks.

"Sure. I'll be right back guys." I walk out of the room with Zayn and we walk into the living room.

"Do you like me?" Zayn asks.

"Woah, uh as a friend ya. Don't you have a girlfriend?"

"No I mean you like all of the other boys but I feel like you don't like me." Zayn looks down at his feet. I feel bad. Zayn isn't my favorite but I still like him.

"Zayn, of course I like you. But, you keep your distance from me. And your girlfriend is mean," I mumble the last part.

"Okay," Zayn opens his arms and enter the wrapping mine around his waist. He releases me and we walk back to my room.

"Please tell me you guys didn't kiss," Austin whines. Zayn and I burst out laughing. The look on his face was priceless.

"No, of course not," I say walking over to him.

"Who is this?" Niall says.

"Oh ya, Liam, Niall, and Zayn, this is Austin. Austin this is Niall, Liam, and Zayn."

"Hi," Austin awkwardly waves.

"Be good to her. Or I'll-" Liam gets cut off by Niall pushing him.

"Liam stop," Niall says.

"Don't hurt my little munchkin," Liam growls.

"Li your not my dad. Or at least one of them," I mumble the last part.

"Hey!" Liam says. I burst into a fit of giggles.

Hey guys! This wasn't in the chapter before but I just wanted to thank you all for 500+ reads. I love you all so much. I also love ur comments they make me laugh rlly hard. Aha

I'll update rlly soon bc my best friend just read my book and is begging me to update so I'll be updating A LOT.

Thanks again guys ily

xx brunettewbu

Adopted By Larry StylinsonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang