Welcome Home

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Louis and Harry put me into the silver mini van. I just sit in the back  silently. Harry is driving and Louis is trying to talk to me.

"So, how long were you at the orphanage?" Lou asks.

I don't answer.

"Come on Rose. Please talk," he pouts.

I look out the window, ignoring him. When I get comfortable I'll talk to them.

"I bet your voice is beautiful," Harry compliments.

"Thanks," I mumble.

"Yay!" They cheer. I laugh a little then look out the window. Flats here and there.  Harry pulls into the parking lot. I unbukle my seat belt and sigh.


"Welcome home!" Harry yells as we walk through the door. I first see the living room with a flat screen and a brown couch. I walk over to the kitchen. There's stainless steel appliances and a granite countertops.

"Do you want a house tour?" Harry asks. I shake my head no, and walk around taking in the sight. I walk up the stairs looking at pictures of them. Theres a prom photo, family photo, and a-proposal photo. But after that there's no picture.

"The first room on the left is yours, we just need to get ya furniture," Louis interrupts my thoughts. I nod once again and my feet take me to the room.

I open the door and nothing grand appears. Just a room with white walls, tan carpet, and no furniture.

"Hey, Rose come down for lunch!" Harry yells.

Once I reach the stairs, I see three other boys and a girl. They invited people?

"There she is, Rose this is Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Perrie." The all chorus a hello.

Niall is a blonde with bright blue eyes, and I think he has a Irish accent. His hair is gelled slightly.

Liam is a brunette with hair that looks like is growing in from a buzz cut and has brown eyes. His smile is wide and he has arrows on his arm.

Zayn is cute if I say so myself. He has black sleek hair, and a little beard forming. He has brown eyes. Multiple tattoos cover his arm.

Perrie is really pretty. She has light blonde hair, and peircing blue eyes. She's wearing a flower crown in her hair.

I wave to them.

"Rose say hi," Louis mumbles to me. I shake my head and walk over to them.

Harry grabs my wrist and pulls me close to Louis and him. He's not hurting me just pulling me over. I tank my wrist out of his hand.

"So you guys adopted her? I thought you were getting a baby." Liam I think says. Rude.

"Liam!" Niall slaps him.

"Sorry babe I wanted to know," he shrugs. Ahh he's gay to. Zayn is the only normal one if he's dating Perrie.


Hey hope your enjoying the book.

And I love niam and Larry and zerrie but this is the characters point of view. So don't give me hate.

xx brunettewbu

Adopted By Larry StylinsonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora